12. Weird

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A couple of days have passed since Y/N came back but I happen but feel that something was wrong. Her behaviour took a drastic change since she came back. The only she wanted to do now was to get into my pants. She did not even mention Yeonjung anymore.

Even my hyungs noticed her new behaviour change. They have not known her for long but I'm sure they can see the difference.

"Hey Y/N can we please talk in private?"



I slowly opened my eyes and felt as if my head had been hit multiple times. I blinked my eyes rapidly trying to clear up my vision. When my vision was finally clear I found myself in a poorly lit room. I was tied to a rusty old chair. Everything in here was so old including the walls and door.

I thrashed around trying to free myself but I realized that they had tied me down with chains.

"I see that you have woken up." The familiar voice boomed out as a man out of a dark corner in the room.

How did I not notice him before?

I looked at him closely and realized it was the man who had been following me when I left Jungkook's house.

"What do you want from me?" I whispered as I lowered my head but all I got back in response was a dark chuckle.

"Oh from you nothing but from Jungkook I want his whole empire." He smiled making him even more beautiful. I don't know why my mind is complimenting him when he freaking kidnapped me.

"P-please let me go. I-I have nothing to do with Jungkook." I tried to toughen up but my body was shaking because I have never been in such a situation.

He chuckled again before move his face toward mine only leaving a few centimetres between us. I tried moving back but the chair prevented me from doing so.

"Please don't lie little Y/N, it will only be bad for you. You have everything to do with Jungkook after all you are the mother of his child." He smiled and moved back sitting on the chair infront of me.

How did he know about my child unless he...

"Y-you are J-Jae Park?" I hesitently spoke which made his smile widen and he started clapping his hands.

"Oh little Y/N you are so smart. Indeed I am Jae Park and I am sure you know that I am the one who has your little baby." He announced proudly.

"GIVE HIM BACK. GIVE ME MY CHILD!" I yelled as I was now pissed off that he touched my baby. All he did was chuckle again. This game of his was getting on my nerves.

"Oh Y/N yelling at me is not such a good idea. I mean the one who could get hurt is your little baby." When he said that I began seeing red.

"DON'T YOU FREAKING DARE TOUCH MY SON. I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU DARE HURT HIM. I DON'T CARE HOW POWERFUL YOU THINK YOU ARE. I WILL KILL YOU." I yelled again but he took it lightly as he leaned toward my face wanting to say something. It made me mad.

Next I knew I had head butted him and his nose was now bleeding.

"YOU B*T*H." He yelled in pain and then slapped me really hard. My head shot to the side from the impact.

I slowly looked back at him and he was holding his bleeding with little tears of pain in the corners of his eyes. I chuckled a bit at the sight.

"You will pay for this." He pointed at me with his bloodied forefinger and the walked out of the room leaving me to my thoughts.


A few days had passed since meeting Jae Park. Just like he said he made me pay for what I did to him. Everyday I was beaten and I was only given water no food. He would come in everyday to mock me.

"How is the little princess doing today?" I jolted up as I heard his teasing voice.

I had no energy to speak because of the lack of food. I slightly opened my eyes and what I saw shocked me.

"M-my b-baby..." I whispered and tried to get up but Jae Park just laughed at me.

"You see I figured since you have been such a good girl I would come and surprise you with your little baby."

"Please give him to me." I begged as I tried to get up but only winched in pain making me fall back.

"Be patient little Y/N. Be patient. I will give him to you so you can enjoy him for a few hours but you have to hand him over to me when I say so or there will be serious consequences." He spoke as if my child were a mere object which made me want to punch him but I just nodded to his terms wanting my baby to be in my arms again.

Without saying anything he handed me Yeonjung and walked out of the room. I finally had my son in my arms again after so long. I kissed his little face all over as he just showed me his precious gummy smile.

"I missed you so much my baby." I cried out as I tried so hard to show him how much I loved him. My tears were continuous.

"REMEMBER ONLY A COUPLE OF HOURS LITTLE Y/N." Jae Park's voice boomed out the speaker in the corner startling both my child and I. It caused my little one to start crying and I immediately comforted him while cursing that idiot in my head.

As I looked at my baby's face I promised him that I would get him out of here no matter what it would cost me. As long as he was safe and unharmed.

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