3. Gone

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I paced around my room in panic as Jae Park would not answer the damn phone. Not knowing what he has done to my son. My son? Do I even have the right to call him that?

I don't even know why I am feeling this way. Was I not the one who wanted Y/N to get rid of the baby. This is all my fault. If only I had not been selfish and self-centered none of this would be happening. I would have Y/N and my son with me.

Ringing brought me out of my thoughts. Looking at my screen I saw an unknown number. I answered but before I could even speak, a voice I knew all too well spoke.

"Jeon Jungkook, what has you so on the edge that you had to grace me with your calls, huh?" He asked me in a mocking tone.

"Where is he?" I asked in a low cold tone as a growl escaped my throat

"Oh... who might you be talkin' bout Jk? I have no idea." He continued to tease me as I grew more infuriated.

"Jae Park I am not in the mood for your stupid games. Give my son back to his mother!" I low key yell as it was getting difficult to control my anger.

"Your son? You still have the decency to call him that when you abandoned him. Wow you really should win father of the year Jk. Ha-ha. You make me laugh." His voice grew more annoying than before which was sickening to me.

"Park I will ask you one more time. WHERE IS MY SON?"

"Why should I tell you? You don't even care about him... but since I am such a nice person and I can see how serious you are about this, I will tell you. The police will probably find the boy in a ditch somewhere." He finished of with a chuckle.

"WHAT!" I yell as I felt my heart breaking. New feelings I had never felt before pounding at my heart.

"Ow my poor Jk is heart broken now but let me remind you that you were the one who said and I quote 'Do whatever you want with that kid' but anyway you should really see what heart broken is. Just go check on his mother before she does something stupid. ~Toodooloo~" he said and hung up.

What did he mean by before she does something stupid? It took me a minute before my eyes widened in realization. Before I knew it I was running out the door towards my car with the others hot on my trail. I could not waste time explaining to them.

Hopefully she stays in the same place as before.

*Y/N *


When I got out of the police station and I immediately went home. The house so quiet as if it never held the joy of my baby. I just wanted to leave but there's nowhere to go.

Nothing could compare to the pain inside. Everywhere I looked there's a sign of my child. The thinking is the worst thing ever. The thoughts haunting me.

Have they fed him?

Has he slept?

Has he been crying?

How are they treating him?

Every second they running through my mind. Most important one is if my baby is alright.

I can't take it anymore. Living a life like this is not life. Not worth it. But I can't lose hope. I know he will come back to me. Just as these thoughts were flooding my mind the door bell rang and broke me out of my trance.

When I opened the door there was no one there. Just as I was about to close the door but I noticed a box. Taking the box inside I was not prepared for what was in it.

Opening it I found clothes covered in blood. Looking closer I realized they were the clothes Yeonjung was wearing. My heart dropping to the pit of my stomach, I felt like someone was suffocating me. The tears left on their own.

Have they killed my child?

"N-no...NO!" I mourned as my sobs became uncontrollably loud. Rummaging through the box I tried looking for something that could help me understand.

At the bottom of the box there was a fancy little card with horrible writing. I wiped off the tears to try and see what was written on it but more tears blindened me.

As I was finally able to clearly see the writing I read it and more tears started to form until I broke into more sobs not caring who could hear me.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Your baby is dead,
Soon so will you.

Blame whoever,
But don't blame you,
Because the fault belongs to
Only Jeon Jungkook.


Sitting in the dark for the past few hours had brought me some kind of peace even though the tears had not stopped as if an eternal tap had been opened in me. Staring blankly at the wall I found no more purpose for my life.

The only one who I loved deeply had been taken away from me. How could I live my life with such a loss. I can't I continue to live without my son. I just can't pretend to be fine. The meaning of life is gone so why should I continue it. They took away my only reason for living.

Getting up from the floor I make my way towards the bathroom. Looking at the mirror I only see a soulless body. Red nose, eyes and cheeks with a combination of eye bags a pale skin. The perfect combination of depression.

Opening the cabinet and I take out a razer. Gazing carefully at it I notice how perfect this little object is. It's so sharp that if people don't handle it correctly they could get hurt. A perfect little tool for someone to take their life with. Someone like me.

Looking one last time at myself in the mirror, I force a little smile then walk away. Sitting back on my spot from earlier, I raise the razer to my left wrist cutting it in the process.

Thinking that I would feel pain I close my eyes for a brief second but I feel nothing. Opening my eyes I look at the liquid pouring out of my skin feeling kind of releaved. I continue to cut as if my skin were just a piece of meat. I mean it acually is. Feeling no pain I start to get frustrated.

Pulling the razer up to my other wrist I slice it open too but again I feel nothing. Throwing the razer to the other side of the room I yell out in frustration and then look at my bloody wrists.

What feels like hours is only a few minutes as the darkness starts to consume me due to blood loss. Closing my eyes I hope to be reunited with my baby in heaven.


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