2. *???*

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"Guys I'm home." I heard the voice belonging to my friend downstairs. I wanted to know why he sounded so uneasy.

When I got downstairs everyone was surrounding him. The others looked at him with concern as did I.

"Hey Tae why do you look so sad?" Jimin asked him.

"Its nothing important. It's just life is so unfair sometimes." He replied as he walked toward the living room and sat with his head in his hands.

"Tae please tell us what is wrong." Jin hyung tried to comfort him but he kept quiet.

"I said nothing is wrong. I'm fine. This does not involve any of you so just STAY OUT OF THIS. " he added as he stormed off to his room. Not forgetting to slam the door.


As soon as I entered my room regret flooded through my body. I knew I shouldn't have talked to them like that. Even though I did not agree with their careers they are still my brothers.

With a loud sigh I walked out of my room to be faced with the others staring at me.


"Guys I'm sorry." Tae said and walked to us giving everyone a hug.

"It's okay Tae. You don't need to apologize. We are all brothers here and if you need to talk we will always be here." I reassured him as we broke the hug.

"Are we sure Namjoon hyung is the smartest one of us. I mean this guy's speech..." Jimin was cut off by a smack to his head.

"Excuse you. I am the smartest. He can't even compare to me." Namjoon gestured towards me.

"HEY!!! I didn't even say anything yet you are bashing me. Not cool dude." I pouted as everyone else laughed at my childish behaviour.

"Ok that enough. So Tae do you wanna talk about it now." Yoongi hyung voiced out as the serious aura from earlier came back.

"Yeah but lets sit first." Tae replied as we all folowed his actions and sat down. He took a few seconds to calm down before he spoke.

"So today I was asigned to a case since I was the only one willing to take it. It's a kidnapping..." he paused a little. Before he could open his mouth he was cut off by Jimin.

"Sorry to say this but Tae why are you so stressed about this kidnapping. I mean you have solved so many of them before." He said as he tried to understand what Tae was getting at.

"But Tae why you so stressed I mean you've dealt with so many kidnappings before." Jimin said as he tried to understand what Tae was getting at.

"Hyung could you just listen first before you interrupt me. I know it does not sound like anything yet but I'm getting there." Tae answered.

"Okay. Sorry." Jimin replied.

"Okay as I was saying. This was a kidanapping. A six month old baby was taken from his mother when she went to the mall with him a day ago. His mother tried to report it to other stations but everyone turned her down. Y/N told me the license plate number of the car that took her son and when I searched for it it belonged to the Dragon gang." He finished off.

My face turned pale as if I had just seen a ghost. Did he just say Y/N? Like Y/N Y/N.


"Guys wait for me. I need to answer this." I said before picking up the call even though it was from an unknown number.

"Hello? Who is this?" I asked impatiently as the person took their time to respond back. In the background I could hear faint baby cries. Confusion took over me as the cries became louder.

"You know what...if you ain't gonna answer me I'm hanging up. I don't got time for this." I said as I was about hang up until a voice from the other line stopped me.

"Impatient as always... Jeon Jungkook. If you hang up I will kill this kid immediately so listen to me first and if you still don't want. Then oh well." He responded in a mocking tone.

"No you listen Jae Park. As I told you I don't have time for this. I am a very busy man. Do whatever you want with that kid. I don't even know what this has to do with me. If this is about you trying to bring down my gang it's not gonna happen. So stop playing these games with me because I will always come out as number one." I replied in a cold tone.

"You are very cold hearted Jungkook. Not even going to save your own so-" before he could finish I hung up. Showing him that I did not care about anything he said.

But deep down I felt bad for that kid. His parents who will be heart broken if he even has parents...

The rest of the day went by with an uneasy feeling filling my heart but I shrugged it off.


"H-hyung, what's her surname?" I asked, in the process cursing myself for stuttering. They would definitely know something is up.

"Gguk, why are you so pale? Is something wrong? Are you sick?" Jimin hyung asked which caused the others to look at me.

"N-no... Ahh I'm just interested in this case. I mean who kidaps a baby."

"Okay I won't push it." He said as everyone waited for Tae to continue.

"She says she does not know why they took her son. She doesn't have anything of value or any money. She only has her son. This is also confusing, why would they take her son? And to answer your question Kook,  her surname is Lee, Lee Y/N..." As soon as he said her full name it felt like time had stopped.

Everything made sense now. The call from Jae Park... the baby crying in the background. They took him because he is my son. Y/N must be devastated and she has no one to comfort her.

"Gguk, why are you crying?" Hobi hyung asked which caused me to come back to reality. I did not even notice I was crying.

"Nothing. The story just touched me...S'all." I replied as I quickly wiped the tears away with my shaking hands.

"Ow our Kookie is turning soft." Yoongi hyung teased me and I just forced a smile.

"No I'm not. I'm just being compassionate. I'm mean if this was my kid I would be heart broken so yeah... so guys I'm going to sleep... night." I said as I tried to get away from them.

"Why? It's not even close to your bed time." Hobi hyung responded.

"I'm just tired. I had a rough day." I replied as I slowly walked in the direction of the stairs.

"Ok well...good night I guess." Joon hyung anwsered for everyone before I walked away.

"He is acting really weird." Was the last thing I heard before closing the door to my room.

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