9. Park

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"Park, meet at the abandoned building out side town tomorrow at six am sharp"

"And why exactly would I want to meet up you?" He asked in a mocking tone clearly trying to make me more angry than I already am.

"I want to make a deal with you to get my son back." I responded calmly not letting him get on my nerves. If I do anything stupid it would result in my son getting hurt.

"And what makes you think that I want to make a deal with you?" He asked still trying to mock me. At this point my blood was boiling.

"JUST GIVE ME BACK MY SON... I will do anything." I calmed my self so I would not say something stupid.

"I don't know Kook... You know I've kind of taken a liking to your son and I think I will keep him. He will be my prodigy." He laught out knowing he had hit the nerve.

"I WILL FREAKING KILL YOU IF YOU TRY TO GET MY SON INTO THIS STUPID MAFIA WORLD...AND... and stop talking about him as if you are talking about a dog. He is my son and I will get him back." I breathed out.

"Ok, ok...chill man. No need to be defensive alright. I will meet you at the build but you must come alone and no weapons. I will do the same. You better offer me something that's worth my while coz I don't want to waste any gas going there. Anyway byeee. My prodigy awaits." He sang out and before I could say anything he hung up.

I threw my phone and pulled my hair in frustration. Jae Park really knows how to get under my skin. I laid back in bed trying to sleep but all I could think about was what Y/N had said and about Yeonjung.

Hopefully things would go well tomorrow and I would get him back. Slowly I fell into a deep sleep slumber preparing myself for the next day's events.


I walked into the abandoned building determined to get my son back today. The whole time I was thinking of what could go wrong as I knew Park would not play by the rules.

"Oh you are finally here Jk. I've been waiting." He fake yawned as he stood up from his chair.

"Where is he?" I asked not wanting to waste time, also making sure to watch him very closely trying to figure out his next move.

"Not now Jk, first we need to talk about business and only then will I tell you about your son." He mocked and sat down.

"Park I will give you everthing. My whole mafia empire, just return my son."

"Now Jungkook, what fun would that beif you just handed me your empire on a silver platter without a fight?" He asked getting on my nerves.

"Jusr give me my son back. He is all I want. I dont even care about the mafia world anymore, you can have it all in the palm of your hands." I tried my best to convince him but he didn't seem to be budging.

"Ok how about I make you a new deal? I can give you your girl back and I won't kill any of you. How does that sound?"

"What do you mean? What girl are you talking about?" I asked confused about this which only made his smile widen.

"OH BOYS" he yelled and two guys came out carrying a struggling girl. She looked ver familliar.

When they came closer I realized it was Y/N who they are carrying. My brows clashed in confusion as to how she got here before rage took over my whole body.

"Y/N WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I yelled frustrated that she put herself in harms way.

"I came to help get my son back." She whispered back.


"Yesterday I heard you talking to him about coming here so this morning I got into the car brfore you left. I'm sorry I didn't mean to do anything ruin your pla-" she tried to explain but I could not listern to her petty excuses.

"SHUT UP. IF YOU DIDN'T MEAN IT YOU WOULD BE HER-" I was cut off by the loud snickering of Jae Park which made me remember now that he is here.

"Sorry to interrupt the lover's quarrel but I have better things to do than to listen to you two arguing. So Jungkook you can have your girl back. We will talk some other time Jungkook and hopefully then you will have something better to offer me. For now bye. Let's go guys." He said and walked off with the other two following behind after they threw Y/N on the floor.

She opened her mouth to say something but I sent her a furious glare which made her stay quiet.

I helped her up and we went back to the car to go home. The whole ride back being awkwardly silent.

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