Bonus 4

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"Mom, dad, why are we here?" Yeonjung asked as he sat on a sofa across from his parents. All his other siblings surrounding him too.

"Well your father over here has something to tell you all." Y/N said giving her husband an unamused look.

She was still not very happy about the news she had recieved a few weeks ago. Jungkook who saw the deadly look in his wife's eyes could only gulp before turning to look at his children.

The three oldest children all shared a look before turning back to their parents. They knew that everytime they parents just randomly gathered them like this it meant that they had only one thing to tell them.

"Please don't tell me-" Haneul began but was cut off by her father.

"Your mother is going to have another baby." Jungkook announced which led to the room falling completely silent.

"Mama have baby?" Rollo asked breaking the silence as she stared at her father before turning to her mother who tried to hold in an awe at how cute her baby was.

"Yes mama is having baby." Y/N answered shooting the nervous Jungkook a glare before turning to face the two year old once again.

Her eyes immediately widened when she saw the look on her youngest baby's face. Tears pooled in her eyes and her face scrunched up before her lips formed a pout. Y/N mentally prepared herself for the tantrum that was about to take place.

"I DON'T WANT BABY!" Rollo yelled before she began crying again.

This startled her twin who also began crying. Y/N couldn't help but sigh as she shot Jungkook another nasty glare. She then walked up to her babies and picked up Rollo as Jungkook aided Rylie.

"I-I mama's b-baby. N-no want new baby." Rollo said in between the sobs as she buried her face into her mother's neck.

"Of course you are my baby Ro and you will forever be mommy's baby. The new baby can't change that my love." Y/N soothed the two year old in her arms.

"I though you two said you were not going to have anymore kids." Haneul said as she glared slightly at her parents.

She loved her siblings dearly but nine of them were more than enough and adding an extra one was just making things crazy. Heck they were already crazy as it is.

"Well sweetie I know I said we were not going to have more kids but here we are. I tried to stick to my word- you know what just speak to your dad about this since it's all his fault." Y/N said before walking out of the room with a now sleeping Rollo.

After his wife left Jungkook turned to his kids and and couldn't help but to gulp at the looks that were thrown to him by the oldest children. The younger ones didn't really mind since they would get more people to play with.

The four year old boys were pretty excited though since it was like they were starting their own soccer team.




I don't even know what this is but please enjoy I guess.


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