21. Talk

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A week a had gone by since Y/N had waken up. Everyday of the past week I tried to convince her not to leave but her mind was set.

It was a day before she was discharged and I had went to visit her with Yeonjung. An awkward silence had fallen on the room as we both just watched our son sleep in her arms. It had been like this for the past ten minutes.

Sighing for the hundredth time today I finally decided to break the silence and voice out my worries.

"Y/N..." I began but she immediately cut me off.

"Jungkook don't even bother. There answer is no was I am not changing my mind, so just give up." She said without even looking at me.

"Y/N please... I can't live without you nor our son. Please just give me a chance to redeem myself." I begged on the verge of tears as I could not picture my life without her.

These past few months made me realize just how important she was to me. She is the love of my life. I know that I had made the biggest mistake of my life but I just wanted to make up for it.

"Jungkook please just stop. I am not going to change my mind. I know I might seem selfish and all but I just can't forget about all the pain thst you caused me. I really appropriate everything that you have done for me and m-our child, I really do but I just can't forget all those damn memories of how you left. I tried to but I just can't." She explained causing a few tears to roll down my cheeks.

All the words she had said were true but they still hurt so much. I guess it would have been best to let go and be happy.

"Okay..." I whispered before sitting back on the chair and looking down. Another silence filled the room but this time it was of sorrow.

"I'm sorry..." she also whispered before placing a kiss on the baby's forehead.


A week had gone by since I had been discharged. I was still healing but I was happy to be out of the hospital. I could finally spend time with my baby.

The only thing that concerned me was that I had not seen Jungkook since we last talked. Jae and Jin were the ones who brought my baby back to my house the day I got home.

I know I sounded selfish when I said I couldn't forgive him but to me it would be like telling him what he did was right.

Just imagine if Yeonjung found out that his father never wanted him, he would be devastated and that's what I did not want for my baby to experiance. All I wanted was for my baby to live a happy life with out suffering especially because of his own father.

My thoughts were broken when the door bell rang. I furrowed my brows as I was not expecting anyone today. I told the others that I would be packing for tomorrow's trip so I did not want anyone bothering me.

Before going to see who it was I went to check on my baby who was peacefully sleeping in his room. Ever since I had gotten him back it became a habit for me to check on him every five minutes.

After seeing that my little one was okay I went to open the door and to my surprise I found Jae standing there.

"Jae, wh-what are you doing here?" I asked as I gave him a side hug before letting him in.

"Well hello to you too... I came here to try and convince you not to go." He said looking at me directly in the eyes.

"Well then if that's what you came here for then you better just leave. I'm not changing my mind about this." I responded wanting to go open the door again but he held me back.

"Y/N please don't this. It's my fault for everything so please don't blame Jungkook for my mistakes by taking his son away. Yeonjung deserves to have his father around." He said making my blood boil.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT HUH? You are speaking as if Jungkook wasn't the one who left me saying that he did not want a child. It's his fault for being a fool. He was the one who didn't want the baby. Don't make me look like a bad person because I gave him the opportunity to be a father but he blow it!" I yelled in his face.

"I know but please Y/N you have seen how he changed these past few months. He truly loves Yeonjung and I know for sure that he is ready to take the responsibility of being a father. When you were still in a coma he made sure that Yeonjung was always happy a taken care of. If I didn't know him I would think that he was experienced in being a father for years. So please just give him a chance Y/N. Give him the chance to be a good father to Yeonjung." He begged but I still couldn't find it in myself to let Jungkook be in my life nor my son's life.

I know my own pain was blindening me but I just couldn't. What if he decided to leave us again. What would I do? Most importantly what would happen to my baby? He would be heartbroken.

He did a lot of things that did redeem him but the hurt he caused just left a big scar in my life.

"I-I'm so...sorry but just can't." I wiped away the tears that had managed to escape my eyes before walking away and leaving Jae in the living room. Saddened by my response.

I hoped that they would also understand my side of the story not just Jungkook's.

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