13. Truth

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As soon as she walked in I immediately locked the door. I looked at her body language and I could see that she was becoming nervous.

"Who are you?" I asked and could see her face drop slightly but she quickly put on a smile.

"W-what are you talking about Kookie?" She played dumb but I could see right through her act as soon as she stuttered.

"I am not ask you again. Who are you and don't tell me you are Y/N because I know for a fact that you are not her." I said in a rather harsh tone as I looked directly into her eyes

She looked away as her hands began to shake.

"Look I am Y/N. Where are you getting this nonsense from?" She asked coming closer to me and tried my cheek but I turned my head away. I turned back to her and held her wrist stopping her from touching me more.

"I'm not playing around here girl. Tell me before I put a bullet right between those pretty eyes of yours." As soon as I said that her eyes flashed with fear and when I pulled out my gun tears pooled in her eyes.

"P-please don't kill me. You are right I am not Y/N. My name is Kang Yuah. Jae Park sent me. I'm sorry, please don't kill me. I beg you." She said in a rap like speed.

"Where is Y/N then?"

"I don't know. I only ever saw her once and I was surprised at how much she looked like me." She explained, her voice still sounding shaken up.

"Why did Park send you here?"

"I really don't know. He offered me big money to pretend to be that Y/N girl. He told me to get you to tell me your secrets about your mafia and everything. Please just let me go." She begged again making me chuckle.

"You really didn't do a good job pretending to be Y/N then. And you are not going anywhere. I can not have you telling Park that I know about his stupid plans. Only after I kill him and get Y/N and my son back will I let you go."


"Time's up little Y/N." His voice cheerfully rang through my ears and I felt tears brimming in my eyes. I looked at my baby who was peacefully sleeping.

"Please don't take him away." I cried out wanting to stay with my child a bit longer. I saw a huge smile start to form on his face.

"Nu uh... He has to go." He said but this time his tone was dark and cold even though he still had a huge stupid grin on his face.

"P-please don't." My voice came out as a mere whisper as he took my sleeping baby out of my arms and handed him to one of his maids.

Tears rolled down my wheels as I tried with all my might to get my son back. My only problem being Jae who was holding me back.

"GIVE HIM BACK!" I yelled as the maid walked out still wearing a blank expression on her face. As soon as the door shut I broke down into uncontrollable tears.

Jae chuckled in the corner which caused me to look up at him and glare in his direction. He did not seem fazed at all. All in all he just looked amused by my behaviour.

"You see Y/N because of your stupid actions today I am going to punish you again. You will receive some food today and nothing more until I decide you are worthy. As for your son I don't think you are going to see him any time soon so prepare yourself." He explained and all I could feel was my blood boiling.

"YOU SON OF A B-" I was cut off by a stinging pain on my left cheek.

"SHUT UP!" He yelled and slapped me again but on my other cheek. The impact made me fall and I could feel that my lip was cut in the process.

"Just for that stunt you are going to get double the punishment." He said and just walked out of the room without waiting for my reaction. I then curled up into a ball and cried my eyes out.


A month had passed since I had last seen my son and since I had last talked to anyone. Jae never came to bother me which I was not complaining about. I did feel very lonely though.

They had move me to an even worse room than the one I was previously in. It seemed more like a jail cell.

There was a little bed one in one corner of the room and a filthy toilet in the other. It looked like it had never been cleaned and the smell it was emitting was very sickening but at this point I had already gotten used to it since I had been here a month already.

Everyday someone would stop by twice a day to give me some crappy food and water. I had lost a lot of weight because of my stay here but the only thing I could think of was my child.

I wondered if they were treating him right and how big he had already gotten. It had been so long since I saw him and my heart yearned to see him. I could bet that he would have already forgotten me which made me cry everyday.

At this point I had already given up on getting out of here...

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