5. Saved

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"Come on man, did you really think I could actually kill a six month old baby? You really make me seem so cruel. The clothes were just a joke. Just wanted to see wht Y/N would do but you saved her. What a bummer?" He fake cried making whimpering sounds.

"So you did not kill him?" I asked trying to make sure he was not joking.

"No, he is still alive for now. Here he is if you want to make sure." He kept quiet for a few seconds then I heard baby cries making relief wash over my body.

"Park bring him back." I demanded turning my voice cold to try and intimidate him but did not work.

"Chill Gguk... with time you will get him back if you listen to everything I say. P.S you should keep a close eye on Y/N, we would not want anything happening to her. For now ~goodbye~." He sang and hung up before I could reply.

Sighing out I pushed my hair out of eyes before walking back to Y/N's room only to find her crying.

From the noise caused by the door she looked up. Freezing for a moment she then turned away.

"Leave." She said bluntly.

I moved forward and tried to touch her but she flinched away making me sigh again.

"Listen Y/N, I just want to apologise for how I treated you back the-" I tried to explain but she cut me off.

"Jungkook go away... I don't know what you want from me when you are the one who said we should never see each other again. I fulfilled your wish now fulfil mine and just leave. I just want to mourn my s-son in peace." She responded as she sobbed even more.

"No, Y/N listen he is a-" I tried to respond but she cut me off.

"NO, JUNGKOOK. I don't want to listen. You told me to stay away and I did, now why are you here? To rub it in my face that I lost my son? Are you here to t-tell me th-that I-I sh-should have had an a-abortion. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM M-me?... I-I'm al-already... s-suffering y-you don't n-need t-to... to m-make i-t worse." Her voice cracking toward the end she started crying louder.

I moved closer and brought her to my chest. Thinking she would push me away I did not tighten my hold so when she didn't I held her tighter.
She clung onto me as if her life depended on it.

"I-I j-just want my b-baby b-ack." She whispered and cried even more.

I waited for her to calm down to tell her that our son is alive. When she finally did I started talking.

"Y/N our son is alive..." I waited a few minutes but she did not respond. Thinking she did not hear I opened my mouth to say it again.

"W-what...what d-do you mean?" She asked in a whisper.

"Y/N, I mean that our baby is alive. The guy who has him is called Jae Park. He just played a sick joke on you to make you think the baby was dead." I explained and stroked her hair.

"So my baby is alive?" She asked in a quiet voice again.


"But why did he take my baby? I don't even know anyone called Jae Park. Why my baby?" She asked as her voice cracked again.

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