Bonus 5

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And he was yet again. He didn't think that he would come back to this mall again so soon after he almost lost his son but here was. With all ten kids. Was it any easier? No. In fact it was even worse then the last time.

He, Y/n and the kids were supposed to come here for Halloween shopping but at the very last minute she got sick resulting in him being the only adult for this trip.

He did ask his hyungs for help but coincidentally they were all 'busy'. He knew it was a lie because the previous day they had told him they had nothing to do.

"Dad, what do you think?" His oldest son asked dressed in a werewolf costume.

"You look great son." Jungkook responded without even lifting his head up from his hands.

"Dad you didn't even look..." Yeonjung complained making his father finally look up at him.

"Nah, find something else." Jungkook said making the boy roll his eyes before going to look for something else.

As he was about to rest his head back on his heads he noticed his youngest was waving at people outside while she sat inside the display pumpkin.

"She is going to be the death of me..." He whispered to himself before getting up and walking over to where Rollo was.

"DADDY NO!" The little girl yelled as she tough to stay inside the pumpkin but her father was stronger so she didn't stand a chance.

"Rollo you are supposed to be finding a costume for Halloween with El-" his words were cut off as a loud bang ran through the room.

He couldn't help but to sigh again as he already knew that it was one of his little monkeys causing chaos. Without wasting a second he placed Rollo on his hip and began walking to where the noise came from.

And again as he though it it indeed was another one of his children being naughty.

"Never again." He whispered before placing his youngest daughter down and walking over to help his son pick up the rack that he had dropped.

Just as he crouched down another loud thud rang through the room making him want to pull his hair out.

"What ever they break I will pay for it... in fact I will buy the whole store just please don't come and bother me by stating the obvious." He announced as he saw a worker in the shop approach him.


After another thirty minutes of havoc Jungkook couldn't help but to sigh in relief as he saw his children begin to line up by the till. He began counting them just to make sure.

But he soon felt his heart drop when he noticed the odd number.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine... why is there nine when I brought ten!" He asked as he began to internally panic.

He began counting again hope that he had made a mistake but that was not the case.

"Haneul, where is Rylie?... wasn't she with you?" He asked his oldest as he felt his breathing begin to increase.

"No I left her with you when I went to the bathroom." She answered making tears weld up in his eyes.

This couldn't be real. It wasn't even a month since he had almost lost one of his kids and now he had actually lost one. What made it worse was that she was only two.

"Oh God this time Y/N is actually going to kill me... why would you leave her with me when you saw that I was busy with the others?" He asked Haneul making her look down in shame.

"You guys look in the store while I look outside. Yeonjung and Jeongsan please watch the others and make sure that they don't get lost either." He said before turning around to walk to the entrance.

"Looking for something Jeon?" His wife's furious voice made him stop in his tracks.

When he looked up he saw her standing at the door with a sleeping Rylie in his arms. He couldn't help but to gulp as he saw the dangerous glare that she shot him.

He really wasn't going to see another sunset, was he?

"Y-Y/N what are you doing here?" He asked approaching her so that they could talk in private away from the kids.

"That doesn't matter right now, what I would like to know is why my two year old child was walking around outside all by herself?" She asked him and he felt shivers run down his spine from the harsh look that she gave him.

"I-I swear I didn't see her walking out. I was busy with the others. She was supposed to be with Haneul." He responded.

"So now you are trying to blame our daughter for your carelessness?" She asked with a blank expression making him gulp again.

"N-no... no that's not it at all. I-I just... I just needed a little help that's all. There's too many Y/N." He responded and she let out a sarcastic laugh.

"And whose fault is that? You are the one who decided all on your own that you were going to put all these cute babies in me so take responsibility." She told him and this time he had nothing to say.

"I am going to give you another chance but I swear Jungkook if you dare let one of my sweet little babies out of your sight again you will go to hell a little earlier than planned." She threatened before pushing him aside and walking into the store to greet her other babies.

Jungkook just stood by the door not knowing what to do with himself.

I really don't know what this is😭. This chapter just didn't want to go as planned. I wanted to write something for Halloween but only this crap came out.

And happy Halloween to the people who celebrate it... not like the rest of us who don't.

Enjoy I guess...


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