6. Convincing

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"What are you guys doing here and how long have you been listening to our conversation?" Jungkook asked as I scanned these new people stopping at one I knew.

Kim Taehyung. But what is he doing here? Does he know Jungkook?

"We came back to check on you and we've been here long enough to know that you are both idiots. How do idiots like you have a baby?" The pale looking guy asked but he got a smack on the head for saying it by the guy with the pink hair.

"Min Yoongi, that's not how you talk to a lady. I understand Jungkook but not her." The guy with the pink hair scolded the other guy whose name is Yoongi.

"Hyung..." Jungkook whined as the others laughed.

"Don't hyung me Jungkook. You know it yourself that you are an idiot so don't bother." The pink haired guy responded making me chuckle and Jungkook glare at me.

They all then went back to talking forgetting about my existence. Clearing my throat I got their attention.

"Excuse me, but may I please know who the hell you people are and why Kim Taehyung is here?" I asked making them look at me in shock which I don't understand why.

"Oh my... sorry for the rudeness. My name is Kim Seokjin also known as worldwide handsome. I am the oldest one here." The guy with pink responded.

"The name's Min Yoongi." The pale looking one added bluntly even though I caught knew his name from a few minutes ago.

"I am your hope. You are my hope. I am Jhope but you can call me Hobi. Real name is Jung Hoseok." The energy ball said as he laughed.

"I'm Kim Namjoon but you can call me RM or Joon or anything you would prefer to call me. I'm also the the smartest one of these idiots," the tall one said earning a smack on the back of the head from Seokjin.

"Respect your hyungs Namjoon." He then added.

I was so distracted by the other two arguing that I did not notice the boy who now moved to stand infront of me. Making me flinch his smile widened.

"Sorry about the scare m'lady. I am Jimin. Park Jimin, the sexy and most available just for you." He whispered the last part and kissed the back of my hand making me blush.

Before I knew it Jimin was pulled away by a furious Jungkook.

"She is mine." He whispered to Jimin thinking I could not hear him. Choosing to ignore them I looked at Taehyung who silently stood by the door while the others had made themselves comfortable in the room.

We made eye contact for a few seconds before I grew uncomfortable and looked away. I heard him sigh and then walk over to where Seokjin and Yoongi were. Then Jimin and Jungkook turned to look at me making me even more uncomfortable with their gazes.

"Is there something that you guys need from me?" I asked trying to avoid their eyes.

"Y/N, you need to stay with me until we get our son back." Jungkook responded making me roll my eyes.

"Firstly I told you that Yeonjung is my son not yours and secondly I am not staying with you. I can protect myself just fine in my own house." I added and folded my arms. Now everyone's attention was back on us and I was not liking it at all.

"Y/N, can you please listen to me for once. You need to be safe to get your son back and you can only be safe with me." He argued while pushing his hair back. At least he got one thing right about MY son.

"Quick for you to assume that I would be safe with you. After all this is your fault that my son has been kidnapped. I can protect myself just fine Jungkook. I don't need nor want to stay with you. Most importantly I don't need your pro-" I was cut off by a deep voice that sent chills down my spine.

"Y/N, Jungkook is right. You should stay with us until you get your son back. This is the only way we can make sure Jae Park does not do anything to you. Please just consider. It's your choice in the end." Taehyung said making me reconsider my decision.

I was about to say no but then I thought about my baby. If I were to get hurt or even worse who would raise him. Maybe they could find him faster without needing to check up on me all the time. So with a heavy heart I agreed.

"Okay... I-I will stay with you." I whispered pathetically but they all heard me.

"That's great." Jungkook exclaimed enthusiastically as his eyes lit up.

"But only until I get my baby back and after that I never want to see you again." I said bursting his bubble in the process which satisfied me a little.

But then again seeing him sad made me feel bad. Even though I hate to admit it deep down and I mean really deep deep down in my heart I still love him. I would never tell him though.

"Ok that is settled now, Jimin and I will go get Y/N's things while Tae and Jin stay with Y/N and the rest go back to the mansion." Jungkook said as he pulled Jimin roughly away from me and walked out the door before anyone could reply.

The others left too and it was just Seokjin, Taehyung and I. Silence fell on the room making everything very awkward for us.

*Jk's POV*

It's been about fifteen minutes since we arrived at Y/N's house. Jimin is downstairs packing some things while I pack Y/N's clothes and necessities.

Somehow I ended up stumbling back and hitting a shelf knocking down a photo frame. I picked it up and looked at it closely.

It was a picture of Y/N holding Yeonjung on the hospital bed. I guess it was the day he was born. Y/N looked genuinely happy. Even though her hair was messy and she had eye bags she still managed to pull off the most beautiful and brightest smile I had ever seen.

I feel like I have missed out on the best thing in my life even though it's my fault.

I looked closely at my son and somehow I felt a connection with him even though it was throw a photo. He looks so much like me. His little nose, lips and big doey eyes. Everything of his resembles me and I can't believe I gave this up.

If I had not been stupid.

KidnappedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora