14. Chance

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It has been a month and a half since I last saw Y/N. I don't know how I would get her or my son back. We looked in everyone of Park's known properties and we found nothing. Not even his servants were there.

"Jungkook, you need to rest. This lack of sleep is not helping you." Yoongi hyung said as we all sat in the living room while I worked on my laptop trying to locate Y/N.

"Hyung I need to find her and our son as soon as possible. The more time we waste the less time they have. I know Jae will kill them if we don't get there in time." I said and went back to focusing on my work.

I heard him sigh along with the others before he stood up and walked up to me. I looked at him in confusion and before I knew it he had snatched the laptop out of my hands.

I was about to protest but he cut me off.

"Jungkook I am going to tell you this one more time. Go to bed... What good will you do for both of them if you are tired and can barely keep your eyes open? If it makes you feel any better I can work on locating them while you sleep." He voice out as I looked at him skeptically.

I was about to protest again but he sent me one of his bone chilling glares which just made me sigh. I eventually bid everyone a good night and headed to my room.

"I need to get them back..." I said lastly before sitting off to a very unrestful slumber.


The next morning I groaned loudly as my phone rang waking me up from my sleep.

"Hello..." I answered with out looking at the ID caller still feeling very sleepy.

"Aw, did I wake baby Koo up?" The annoying voice woke me up completely from my daze.

"Park where are they?" I asked feeling the anger beginning to grow in me.

"Chill bro. We will get to that at a later stage but for now let's just chat. So I'm guessing by they that you know that I have Y/N and that Yuah is the one in your house. I always knew she couldn't act to save her life." He chuckled lowly sounding annoyed that I know this information.

"Jae please just give them back." I pleaded feeling defeated at this point. I heard him chuckle from the other side.

"Wow is that really THE Jeon Jungkook begging me. First you say please and then you even call me by my actual name. I feel like my ears have been blessed. Ha-ha. Where did the badass Jungkook go. This girl has really changed you. I don't think it's a good idea for me to give her back to you." He mocked me making me lose the little patience that I had.

I walked out of the room and headed toward the living room where the others were. I indicated for Suga hyung to trace the call and he started doing as instructed.

"Park just give them back. They have nothing to do with any of this. Please don't involve them in our petty wars." I held my anger back not wanting him to get angry and take it out on Y/N or my son.

"They are your family which means that they were involve the moment you met Y/N and got her pregnant. I don't think any of the is petty but if you really want to see what petty is I'll show you." I head some shuffling in the background and then the call ended.

Before I could become even more angry another call came in from Park. This time it was a video call. I immediately answered feeling very anxious at this point.

"Hey again Kook. I want you to see someone. I'm sure they will be very happy to see you... say hello Y/N." He said and turned the phone to her.

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach as I saw her state. Her head was resting on her arms which were on her knees. She was still wearing the clothes from the day she went missing. Her clothes were very torn and dirty. From what I saw of her hands they were very bruised and pale. She had even lost a lot of weight too.

Even when Jae called her name she did not move an inch or respond.

"W-what have you done to her?..." my voice trailled off as I felt tears beginning to pool in my eyes. The others had moved closer to see what was happening and they were as shocked as I was when they saw her.

"Oh nothing really. I just punished her because she was misbehaving and being a spoilt brat. Right little Y/N?" He asked and pulled her hair to make her face the camera.

She groaned lowly and nodded her head slightly agreeing with his statement. It broke my heart to see how easily she submitted to him. Her face shocked me even more. She had a broken lip, blue eye and cuts all over her face indicating that they had been hitting her. Her skin was flushed of all its colour and her eyes were just empty.

"Ain't she pretty? Say hi to Jungkook Y/N." He said to her more like demanded which made her flinch just a bit.

"H-hi." Her voice cracked and Jae finally let go of her hair which made her head go back to the position it was in at the beginning.

"Such a good girl." He said  and patted her hear then stood up with a big smile plastered on his face.

"I hope you like the sho-...ow wait are you crying Kook? Man this girl really made you soft. Dude I thought you were a tough mafia boss." He teased and started laughing menacingly.

"I am going to kill you." I responded firmly as I wiped away the tears the had fallen.

"Not like I haven't heard that a million times before yet I am still here alive and kicking." He laughed and ended the call.

I just stared at the black screen.


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