Chapter 17

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Jasper's POV:

I watched as tears seemed to fill her eyes before she looked up at me. She didn't say anything else as she stared at me in silence, she turned her left hand over, removing the large bracelet Alice had no doubt given her to wear earlier tonight, and held her hand out to me. It only took me a second with my vision to see the scar that went across her wrist. My breath caught in my throat as I knew what it was instantly. I felt her own pain and shame increase as I began to gently trace the line-thin scar with my eyes wondering why she had done it.

I slowly and gently took her hand into mine as I traced the scar with my fingers. I heard her sharp intake of breath as I looked at her, her eyes shining with unshed tears. I was near bursting with questions all concerning why and when she did this, but it seemed she could read my expression better than I thought she could because she started to answer them in a shaky and yet still beautiful voice.

"I was......I was thirteen was the only escape that I could think of..............but...... I was found and taken to the hospital." (Mag)

"Do you still think of escaping that way Margaret?" (Jas)

"Honestly?" (Mag)

"I'd prefer that." (Jas)

"Not really recently, not since meeting you, and I don't really know why and that...........and that scares me too. I'm sorry. It's not right to be this scared to be around you when I know you're a decent guy, I'm just.......I'm broken." (Mag)

I watched as the tears finally started falling from her beautiful blue eyes as she took her hand out of my hold and stood up from the swing. She walked away from me and looked up at the sky wiping the tears away from her eyes. I stood up and walked up to stand in front of her, brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she finally looked at me.

"Margaret darlin, I'm not mad at you. I could never be mad at you. I care about you, more than anyone else I've ever met before. It's alright to be a little afraid of opening up to someone, especially if you're just getting to know them. You aren't broken though, you are perfect just the way you are. But I want you to promise me that if you ever feel like that again, that'll you'll call me. Alright?" (Jas)

I watched as she nodded before I pulled her gently into my chest for a hug. I felt the sense of peace slowly return as I hummed the same song I had sung in the car earlier, tracing gentle circles on her back as I did. I felt my spirit soar as she slowly wrapped her arms around my torso and we began to sway back and forth to the melody I was humming gently into her hair. This lonely existence that I had been living for so long was worth it to have this angel in my arms now.

A few minutes later and I knew it was getting late for her as I heard her stifle a yawn while still in my arms. I couldn't help but smile down at my beautiful mate as I pulled out of the embrace we were in, and she met my eyes almost instantly. Her eyes were like blue diamonds in the moonlight and the sight would have taken my breath away had I still been human.

"We better be headed home now, if we don't want Esme and Carlisle to start worrying about where we are." (Jas)

"I wouldn't want them to worry, so I suppose you're right." (Mag)

I offered my arm, and smiled wider when she took it without hesitation, as we made our way back to the car. She climbed in after I opened the door for her and I got in the driver's side and watched her pick out a radio station again, before she reached out to take my hand. She froze for a moment, as if surprised by herself that she reached out to take it rather than it having been me reaching for her. I slowly reached over and took her hand into mine gently, smiling as she relaxed and squeezed my hand.

I still wondered how she never mentioned the obvious temperature difference between our hands. I knew that mine would feel like nothing but smooth cold unfeeling stone against hers, but she only ever held it tightly in her own warm soft hand as if it was the only thing she ever wanted to hold. I listened as she started to softly sing along with a song that was playing on the radio, and soon I joined her as we drove back down the highway and back towards the house. Alice had been right, this date had been nearly perfect.

It was with a sense of sadness almost that the date was coming to a close, as I parked the car in the driveway, next to Emmett's Jeep. I gently squeezed her hand before I let go and rushed to let her out of the car as quickly as humanly possible. I offered my arm again as we walked back up the stairs of the porch, stopping a few feet away from the door as she turned to face me, letting go of my arm as she did.

"I had fun tonight Jasper, even with the talk." (Mag)

"I'm glad you did Margaret, I enjoy any time I get to spend with you." (Jas)

I heard her heartbeat increase as I took another step closer to her, a slight blush rushing across her face. I was entranced by her lips as she smiled up at me, her blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight from the porch. I leaned in closer, desperate to taste her lips but wanting to give her the chance to back away if she wanted, hearing her heartbeat increase even more as my need for her grew.

I was only inches away from her lips when the door suddenly swung open to reveal Edward with a worried expression on his face. In that moment, as the light from the house spilled out onto the porch and Edward stood staring at me in concern, is when the moment between us was broken. I felt a sigh leave my mouth before I took a step or two away from my mate, Edward moving out of the way of the door as he looked us.

"Sorry to interrupt, we thought we heard someone out here, but didn't know you two were back already." (Ed)

"No, no it's fine. Margaret I really did have fun tonight. Perhaps we can try it again sometime, but for now I think Alice is waiting to kidnap you back to her room." (Jas)

"I'm sure she is. And Jasper, I would love that." (Mag)

I smiled as I watched her walk up the stairs with Alice, going to get ready for their 'sleepover.' I was ready to throttle Edward for interrupting what would have been my first kiss with my mate. But for now I would let it lay, knowing it was probably due to his concern for her safety. After all I don't have the best track record in my family, but I would never hurt my mate that I was sure of.

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now