Chapter 73

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Jasper's POV:

I watched as Margaret seemed to flinch some as Carlisle touched her before her eyes turned completely white. She became stiff as a board and as unresponsive as one even as I shouted her name and laid her down on the table. I had a feeling I knew what was happening as her feelings of fear, worry, and pain began but I needed it confirmed.

"Edward!!" (Jas)

"Yes, you're right Jasper. It's Carlisle's death. She can see people's death now by a simple touch, she didn't remember in time to stop Carlisle. It's halfway over now." (Ed)

I nodded in thanks to Edward from his place in the doorway, before he turned and went back downstairs. Carlisle apologizing for a second time before I waved him off. It wasn't his fault or her fault. I was just happy to see that some of the emotions of peace and calm were being absorbed by her right now. I worried her gift would follow her into this life even though she wasn't a full vampire. Turns out I was right. Carlisle finished his physical exam of her. Her heat beat faster but everything else appeared normal, except for her eyes but as she was in a vision perhaps this too was normal.

A few minutes later and I watched as her eyes turned from completely white back to a lovely shade of blue with silver and gold mixed in. A gasp leaving her mouth as she blinked and sat up, looking around the room quickly before seeing Carlisle behind his desk. She nodded to him as if answering an unasked question whether to him or herself before turning and slinging herself into my arms.

"Gotta stop scaring me like that little darlin." (Jas)

"I'm sorry. I had just forgotten to tell you that touch was all it would take now. No trust or anything just touch." (Mags) 

"I'm sorry Margaret, it was never my intention to cause that." (C)

"No, it''s alright. Your death wasn't as bad as some of the other deaths that I've experienced. I'm.......I'm sorry though how it happened. I could tell you didn't want to be down there that night but felt obligated to be. It wasn' wasn't your fault what happened." (Mags)

I watched as she stared at Carlisle, feeling the all too familiar emotions of guilt flow from him as his memories went back to the night he was bitten. He had told us once that he felt guilty about the deaths of the all men that had gone with him but as Margaret left my arms and willingly went over to Carlisle, giving him a gentle if somewhat cautious hug, I felt some of those emotions fade into peace that he had never had. A smile formed on my face as Carlisle returned the hug just as gently as she had given it to him before taking a step back, a smile now forming on his face. 

"Well, I'm happy to report that other than the expansion of your gift you are a perfectly healthy hybrid." (C)

"Good news then on some level I guess." (Mags) 

"Welcome home Margaret." (C) 

He left the room just as she whispered 'thanks' to him before turning around and walking back into my arms. She laid her head against my chest sighing some before looking up at me with a smile as she slowly raised her hand to my cheek. I held it gently against my cheek as we stared into each other's eyes, and I could think of nothing else I'd want to do with eternity than spend it with her in my arms. 

Margaret's POV: 

I couldn't help the smile on my face as I stared into the melted golden eyes of my mate, finally understanding exactly what Carly and the other girls had been telling me about knowing Jasper was my mate. I couldn't understand how I felt so safe around him now, even as I still had moments of fear around the rest of the family and even him, in this moment I felt ultimately at peace and surrounded by love. 

"I should warn you darlin, Alice is waiting to drag you shopping or at least into her room to have a marathon of whatever fashion show her and Rosalie have been into lately." (Jas)

"Can I fake being asleep?" (Mags)

"No you may not dear niece of mine!" (Alice)

Jasper chuckled some as I laid my head against his chest as my hands drifted down to help hide myself against it. His own hands began rubbing gentle circles on my back as Alice skipped through the now open door, and I didn't have to turn to know she had a smile on her face. 

"Come on, it's Top Model time time!" (Alice)

"Might as well just agree Margaret, or you'll just continue to pester you." (Rose)

I finally looked up from Jasper's chest to Alice smiling only a few feet away and Rose standing in the doorway a smaller smile present on her face as she watched us. I glanced up to Jasper, not wanting to be without him but knowing he hated Top Model. 

"Darlin, you can go with the girls it'll be fine." (Jas)

"Only if Jasper can come and watch it too." (Mag)

"Deal! We're all set up in the living room anyway and Esme made you some snacks." (Alice) 

"Oh now that's a bit of a dirty trick darlin." (Jas)

I could hear the teasing in his voice but I made sure to stare into his eyes and make sure he was ok with me dragging him along. I just didn't want to be without him, not so soon after just getting back. He seemed to understand as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my lips before scooping me up in his arms, a smile matching my own as he walked us downstairs to a bouncing with excitement Alice, smirking Elliot, and impatient looking Rosalie though she did have a smile on her face. 

"El, you're watching with us to?" (Mags)

"Course I am dove. Emmett and Carlisle are off hunting and I'd rather hang with my siblings than work on the online courses I'm in right now." (El)

I know I should have scolded him but I was happy he wanted to be with us, because I had missed him nearly as much as I had missed Jasper just in a different way. I sat between Jasper and Elliot on the couch, Alice on the floor in front of us as Rosalie lounged in the chair next to us. I leaned my head against Elliot's shoulder as my hand grasped Jasper's in my own as the narrator began the show with a recap of the previous week. It was in this moment, much like the moment I realized Jasper was my mate, that I realized I was home and that I was safe with my family.  

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