Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 (Nov 19th Evening)
Margaret's POV:

I had woken up in his arms, tensing for only a moment as I realized my shirt was still off, before I looked up to see his eyes were closed. He looked so incredibly peaceful in his sleep right now, the tenseness he seemed to carry at school gone just as it always was when he was home. He had kept his promise to me earlier and hadn't asked a single question, and for that I was incredibly grateful to him. I glanced towards the window and saw the dim light of the sun already setting. I was thankful that Randy was again at Carly's for the next two days. It saved me from a beating tonight in 'honor of her death' as he would usually say.

I looked back towards Jasper to see that he was awake now, his eyes meeting my own immediately as his hand gently found its way into my curls. I knew that he would have questions, but for now I could only hope I would have more time to come up with an answer for the questions he would no doubt ask. I slowly sat up from Jasper's chest, as he removed his hand from my curls without me even asking. Within moments he was offering me my t-shirt, and I slid it on without looking at him as a blush crossed my face.

It was the most skin he had ever seen from me, and I knew it wasn't the prettiest with as many scars as I had. It looked a hell of a lot better than the first time that Alice and Rosalie saw, but it still wasn't great. But he hadn't seemed disgusted by them all when he saw, but he could be more than capable at hiding his true emotions when he wanted to. That much I had learned about him.

"Esme made you some dinner darlin, if you're up for it." (J)

I nodded as I looked up at him, earning a small smile from him that I soon returned with one of my own. How he could still smile at me when I knew that my eyes were bloodshot and I had to look a total mess was a true miracle. I didn't deserve him, and he certainly didn't deserve the fate that I had already seen him having in a year or two. I forced my mind away from those thoughts, not wanting to cry anymore as my eyes already felt dry and scratchy like sandpaper.

I took his outstretched hand, feeling my face give away a wince some at the pain that still seemed to radiate from the scars on my arm, but it wasn't nearly as strong as it had been. We walked out of the guest room and down into the kitchen, where Esme was just setting out a plate of a salad with strawberries and pecans with some baked chicken to go with it. I smelled the cookies before I saw them, before she set down a plate with what I knew to be the cinnamon cookies that tasted just like Granny Cynthia and mom used to make.

"Thank you Mrs. Esme. You didn't have to go to all this trouble though." (M)

"Nonsense dear, it wasn't any trouble. Now eat up before Alice or Jasper kidnap you away somewhere in the house again." (Esme)

I felt a smile form on my face, knowing that the possibility of Alice doing that was much higher than that of Jasper. I gently caught Esme's arm as she was walking past us out of the kitchen, a fear tears forming in my eyes as I did so. She turned to look at me, surprise and concern seeming to linger in her eyes even as she smiled at me. Before I talked myself out of it I reached out and hugged her, knowing that she was the closet thing I had to a mother figure in years and may ever have again.

"Thank you." (M)

"Anytime dear." (Esme)

Jasper's POV:

I watched my mate hug Esme, both of us surprised at her initiating the hug, as she usually didn't initiate contact like that with anyone very often. It seemed as if Esme, Alice, and I were becoming the few exceptions to that and I couldn't be happier about that. I saw Esme's eyes pool with venom for the third time today, before she let Margaret go from the hug and left the kitchen at a human pace before disappearing upstairs and no doubt into Carlisle's waiting arms for comfort of her own.

I turned back to see Margaret taking a seat at the kitchen island, already beginning to eat her salad before I heard Elliot start talking to me from upstairs as I answered in a voice too low for her to hear as I sat next to her and pretended to read a magazine that Rosalie had left down here. Though as it was a magazine about car engines I doubt I would ever really read it.

"Can I come down and chat with her a bit?" (El)

"Why?" (J)

"Just to get to know her better is all." (El)

"Fine, but one wrong move and your ass is grass." (J)

"Aye you got it Major." (El)

I rolled my eyes as I knew he had just saluted the air upstairs before I turned back to see Margaret had eaten the salad but was now picking at the chicken. Her eyes were staring at the meal, but I could tell she wasn't really here. Her thoughts were elsewhere, I simply didn't know how far away she was. I heard him whistling as he walked down the stairs, his way of letting her know he was coming without shouting. We hadn't even had to tell him she didn't like loud noises, he had noticed that within moments of meeting her for the first time.

I watched as she seemed to shake herself out of whatever thoughts she was having, and for once I wished Edward had been home to tell me exactly what she was thinking. It was invading her privacy I know, but I still wanted to make sure she was ok. She took another bite of chicken and sip of water before she turned her head just as Elliot walked into the room. A broad smile was on his face as he looked at her and nodded his head in greeting, one slowly forming on her own.

"Ello there dove. Doin alright there?" (El)

"I'm well thanks." (M)

"Margaret, are you ok if I go speak to Carlisle for a moment?" (J)

I wasn't really going to speak to Carlisle but I knew that Elliot wanted to get to know her better and I wanted to see how she would react with him. The bond they seemed to be forming was that of siblings and I was curious to see how they both felt so close to one another after having known each other so such a short amount of time. She turned to meet my eyes with her own, before I saw her bite her lip as if unsure before she gave a slow nod. I kissed her gently on the head before walking out, whispering a warning not to upset her to Elliot as I passed him. A subtle nod and a smile was all I got back from him in return.

"Don't worry dove, I'll keep yah good company til he gets back." (El)

I made my way upstairs into my room, the door open even though I would havebeen able to hear them with it closed. I felt for her emotions, and while therewas an echo of pain and fear in her emotions there was also curiosity rushingthrough her as Elliot took a seat across from her at the island.

"Not very hungry dove?" (El)

"Not really, but well.....I mostly just slept today so not like I've used a lotof energy." (M)

"Yeh got a good point I suppose. Lot on your mind today though I suppose, hopeyeh don mind but Jazz told us what today was." (El)

"It's ok, I guess it would have been weird for him not to and I was sleepinghere all day." (M)

"Wanna talk bout it?" (El)

"No, I'm all right. I just.....miss her and I don't know it's hard to explain insome ways. I wonder what my life would be like if she was still here, and ifshe would be......would be proud of me I suppose." (M)

"Aye now why wouldn't she be proud? You're one hell of an artist from what I'veseen in the drawings round the house. Can't wait to get one of me by the way,and you're top of the class accordin to Alice." (El)

"I know I're lucky you know. You all are." (M)

"Lucky eh?" (El)

"Yeah, you've all got Esme and Carlisle. I know I haven't been around him asmuch but if Esme loves him then he must be just as good as her. As parentsthey.....they have to be amazing." (M)

"Well dove, can't argue too much there I suppose. My own parents were dead bythe time I was four, Esme and Carlisle well they are my real parents." (El)

"What happened to your biological parents?" (M)

"Drunk driver, least that what I was told. I ended up on the streets of London,til Esme and Carlisle found me. Well, suppose I found them first." (El)

"How?" (M)

"I was picking pockets and went for Esme's purse, got caught. Was bout.....oh tenmaybe then." (El)

"What happened after they caught you? They didn't.....punish you did they?" (M)

At her question I sat up on the bed as a huge rush of fear went through her,but it was soon silenced as Elliot let out one of his hearty chuckles. Her fearwas replaced by calm mixed with more curiosity. I let out a slight sigh ofrelief at that before I felt myself lay back down on the bed, my eyes closingagain as I listened to my mate's heartbeat as she talked to my brother.

"Esme took me back home and fed me a warm meal and told me I always had a placeto stay the night if I needed, if that's what you mean. Mind yeh I still calledthe streets home, I hated to impose but I ended up calling them mum and da justthe same." (El)

"Only proves my point then, you're all so lucky." (M)

"You know dove, they see you as one of their own children now." (El)

She was quiet for a few moments, and I heard the gentle scrap of her chair onthe kitchen floor before she started cleaning the dishes. Elliot was soon byher side helping her from the sound of it before they made their way into theliving room and sat down. I knew she was on the couch, while he was sitting inthe chair and I was getting ready to go back down and offer to watch a moviewith them both when Margaret spoke again.

"Why do you call me dove?" (M)

"Ah, honestly dove, not sure. Suppose it's because you're quiet but elegant,and you've managed to bring more peace into this house and into Jazz thananyone thought possible. Makes yeh like a dove yeh?" (El)

"Well, at least it's better than Emmett's thunderbird." (M)

I was already halfway down the staircase when she said that and a laugh escapedmy mouth, especially since I heard Emmett mumble from his room upstairs that itwas a good nickname. Margaret quickly looked towards me, a smile growing on herface as a gently blush flooded her cheeks. It was a sight that I would alwayscherish, both her blushes and her smiles. I took a gentle seat next to her onthe couch before looking at Elliot who was smirking as he looked at us.

"Well should I hit the lights and leave you two love birds to it or?" (El)

I felt Margaret's blush burn across her face as she buried her face against myt-shirt as she shook her head. I couldn't help it though as a laugh left mymouth, Elliot soon joining me. Margaret finally pulled away from me some, theblush not as prominent as it was as she shook her head at us both. I was aboutto suggest watching a movie, but before I could Alice rushed in and sat next toMargaret on the couch.

"There is a new episode of RuPaul's Drag Race on tonight, we have to watch it."(Al)

"Ok, if that's alright with y'all too?" (M)

I heard Elliot snicker some under his breath, knowing that I would have agreedto watch anything that made my mate's eyes stay lit up like that. Alice wasalready putting it on the TV regardless of anything we could say, so we justagreed and let the girls have their fun. Though with Elliot's commentary we hadfun as well, much to Alice's annoyance and Margaret's entertainment. Thismoment in time, my mate smiling and laughing while leaning into my chest as wewatched TV, surely this was my happily ever after. This was my heaven. 

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