Chapter 43

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(Dec 16th still)
Jasper's POV:

I watched as my mate passed out and Carlisle caught her and stood up with her. He looked to me with an apologetic look before he took off for the house. Edward and I followed shortly behind him but not before I memorized the bastard's scent that was all over the room. I would kill him for this and Carlisle would have to forgive me or simply forget about it, but after what he had done to my mate that bastard was dead.

As soon as we arrived home, Carlisle rushed her upstairs to his office, his medical bag already waiting. He laid her down on the small leather couch as he ran around gathering a few different items he needed. I didn't pay him much attention though as I walked up to kneel down in front of my mate again.

I felt my anger build as I saw her black eye, the scars that had all been cut open, the bruises, and welts marring her face on the side that wasn't bleeding. I saw her wrists were raw from the handcuffs that had been used on her, and I saw the marks that had been left on her neck. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I looked at my mate, and I snarled before turning crouched in front of her.

"Son, if you aren't in complete control you need to leave if I'm to be able to help her." (Carlisle)

I saw in his eyes he was being sincere and I knew that Carlisle would never want to hurt my mate. I stood from my crouch and let him stand next to her, watching his every move and hers, should she wake up. He started with her face and then her neck, bandaging what he could, stitching what he had too, and cleaning the rest.

I felt another angry snarl rip through my chest as he pulled the sheet away and I saw my mate's poor, beautiful, broken looking body. Bite marks littered her breasts, cigarette burns covered her stomach, while bruises and what looked like belt lashes covered her sides and back as we found out when Carlisle gently turned her over. I excused myself from the room for a few minutes before rushing outside and knocking down the first tree my fist came into contact with.

I snarled into the night air as I thought about what my mate had endured, and I planned the most horrific death for the man that had done it to her that I could think of. I would make him feel every ounce of fear and pain that was humanly possible before I ripped him limb from limb as slowly as I could before ripping his heart out. I heard Carlisle call my name from the house and I forced myself to calm down a bit before rushing back into the room.

I saw my mate bandaged and dressed in a pair of soft looking pajamas from Rosalie and I'm left wondering why she was willing to loan my mate clothes. Then I see the look on Carlisle's face and Rosalie's as she's still standing in the room. Both with feelings of sympathy, but Rose is also feeling empathy for my mate.

"Carlisle?" (Jas)

"Rosalie will need to talk to you about how best to approach her when she wakes up. It appears that along with the obvious abuse and torture she suffered she was.....she was raped several times." (Carlisle)

I felt my anger freeze for a moment as the pain and heartbreak at everything that my mate had endured hit me full force. I don't know why I hadn't been expecting him to say that, but when he did I knew that I would never forgive myself for leaving her alone with that monster that night. I saw Rosalie's downcast expression and knew that she was the only one that had any experience in this kind of brutality, even more so than Esme, and may be the only one able to help my mate.

"When will she wake up?" (Jas)

"A few hours at most I would say. Her blood alcohol was rather high, I suspect he started giving her alcohol mixed with some water to keep her quiet. I need to run to the hospital and get an IV bag tonight for her with some pain medication and perhaps a heart monitor, she's very dehydrated." (Carlisle)

"I'm having Emmett move our bed into your room, ours is the softest. Clean sheets and pillows. That way she can wake up in what I'm hoping she'll see as a safe environment." (Rose)

I nodded in thanks to Rose before walking over slowly to my mate and picking her up in my arms, cradling her to my chest as gently as I could. I carried her out of Carlisle's study as he left to go to the hospital to get the equipment he needed. Walking up the stairs and into my room I saw Esme was just finishing putting the sheets on the bed with Emmett's help, while Alice was placing new pillows on top.

"What should I expect when she wakes up Rose?" (Jas)

"I......Jasper every case like this is different for every person that goes through it and I woke up a vampire after......well if it's anything like what I went through she'll be more trusting of me, Alice, and Esme than you guys. It could take her weeks to months or longer before she feels comfortable around a guy. I wasn't exactly thrilled with Carlisle and Edward being around me the first few months." (Rose)

I nodded in understanding that any trust I had built between me and my mate had been destroyed by a true monster. I laid Margaret down gently on the newly made bed, tucking her in and laying a soft kiss on her forehead before I pulled away from her. I sat next to her on the bed, as Rosalie stayed in the corner on the room looking out the window. A half hour later and I heard Carlisle's car pull down the drive and knew that he came back from the hospital with everything else she might need.

A few minutes later and he had the IV placed as well as a heart monitor hooked up. I watched the rhythmic beating of her heart, and I let her heart beat and her steady breathing as I watched her sleep peacefully finally calm me down some. It wasn't until dawn that she began to move and her eyes started to open. Rosalie took careful steps towards us just as Margaret opened her eyes and looked at us.

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now