Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 (Oct. 30th)- homecoming
Margaret's POV:

I don't know whether I'm lucky or unlucky that Randy was spending the weekend with Carly on one of her business trips to Seattle. I was lucky that it meant I would be free from him all weekend, but it was also homecoming weekend and Alice was waiting for me to play dress up with me. The only thing I could truly smile about right now was the way that Jasper met me in homeroom earlier this week with pink carnations before asking if I would go with him. If it wasn't for him and his eager smile I wouldn't have even tried to go to homecoming even without Randy's presence.

"Come on Margaret, I only have three hours to get you ready!" (Alice)

I felt a sigh leave my mouth as I left the bathroom only to be pulled gently into her closet and handed the dress she had picked out for me. A red halter which ended just above my knees. I had only agreed to wear it because for once in what felt like years I was bruise free, and the scars that I had from old whip marks were lower than what the dress showed. It also helped that she hinted that Jasper loved me in red.

Once the dress was on and I was out of her dressing room or she called it closet, she pulled me over to the vanity and started working on my hair and makeup. I closed my eyes as she went to work, listening to the party music that was playing as Alice sang along. I heard Emmett's booming laugh coming from his room down the hall but it didn't make me jump as I heard Jasper's chuckle join in after just a few seconds.

"Alright, all finished!"

I finally opened my eyes, after Alice had positioned me in front of the mirror, and saw a girl I didn't know staring back at me, until I saw the scars that were still easily visible on my face and neck thanks to the up-do Alice had gone with for my hair. I started to bite my lip before she stopped me and scolded me about messing up my lip-gloss that she had just finished. I told her I would try not to ruin her work again as she gently guided me out the door and down the stairs. I was half-way down the stairs when I saw him waiting for me at the bottom. A red shirt and black pants with a black tie, waiting with a red rose bracelet for myself.

I was on the last step, finally the same height as him as I stared into the beautiful golden eyes that I had come to love staring into these last few weeks. His cold hands took my hands into his own, my nerves lessening as the cold seemed to sweep through my entire body. He placed the corsage on my wrist before placing a gentle kiss on my hand and looked up to meet my eyes once again.

"Margaret, you look absolutely stunning."

"Thank you Jasper, but I doubt anyone will notice as dashing as you look tonight."

"Well then they're fools."

I felt a blush cover my cheeks as his lips trapped my own in a kiss that made my knees feel weak, as all his kisses seemed to do. I heard Emmett wolf-whistle while Alice complained that he was ruining my makeup but neither of us paid her much attention. As we parted from the kiss a camera flash went off but again we didn't look away from each other.

"Alright kids, let Esme take some pictures so you can get there on time."

Jasper helped me down from the steps before gently wrapping his arms around me from behind. Alice and Edward stood next to us as Rosalie and Edward stood next to them. I felt my face blush as he kissed my neck before Esme started taking photos, the most authentic smile on my face that I had felt since I was a small child. After what felt like 100 photos, Esme finally lowered the camera.

"You all look so beautiful, have fun and be safe."

I walked out with Jasper close by my side, getting into the car with Edward and Alice while Emmett and Rosalie rode together in her own car. Alice was chattering away happily, Edward barely having time to answer her before she would start again. Her happiness was infectious and it kept my nerves at bay until we pulled into the school parking lot.

We were walking towards the doors of the gym, the music easily heard from outside when I stopped, stopping Jasper with me as I did. I could feel my breathing increasing even as the others went in ahead of us. It wasn't until I felt Jasper gently pull me towards a bench a little away from the doors that I looked towards him.

"Are you alright Margaret?"

"I.....I've never done this before Jasper. I can't dance and I'm....I'm not comfortable around that many people that close together and around me."

"Margaret, darlin, it's alright. We don't have to go in. We can dance just as easily out here if you'd rather we do that."

"But......I don't want to hold you back Jasper."

"You aren't darlin, I only asked you to this cause I thought you'd want to go. I'm not the biggest fan of crowds either."


"Really. Would you rather dance with me out here? I promise Alice won't be upset if I'm the only one that gets to enjoy how beautiful you look tonight."

"Maybe we can go in later, but I'd rather just dance with you out here."

As if the DJ knew we were dancing out here, as a slow song began playing. Jasper stood with a smile on his face and offered me his hand. I took it and stood, even as a moment of fear passed through me as I knew that I didn't really know how to dance. Jasper seemed to sense my nerves as he pulled me closer into his chest, his smile only growing as he did so.

"Don't worry darlin, just follow my lead."

He wrapped his arm around my waist as the other held my hand gently in his own. I stepped on his feet only once, hearing him laugh at my apology as he explained that he barely felt it in the shoes he was wearing. I was soon laying my head against his chest as we continued slow dancing our way around the small open area outside the gym. No one bothered us, and neither of us cared that it was no longer slow music playing, we just kept dancing as if it was. 

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