Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 (Nov. 24th) 
Margaret's POV:

I felt another yawn leave my mouth as I attempted to help Esme make cookies, the final touch for Thanksgiving dinner tonight. Alice had kept me up much later than I had been anticipating last night, and even with Esme stepping in to tell us to go to bed she had managed to keep us up until nearly 4 in the morning and my internal clock wouldn't let me sleep in past 7:30 this morning. I saw another concerned look from Jasper sitting at the island, working on mixing the stuffing before Esme was next to me.

"Margaret dear, I think you should go take a nap before dinner. Alice and her antics last night, she kept you up entirely too late. You're practically dead on your feet." (Es)

I went to argue but as soon as I opened my mouth another yawn slipped out instead. I mumbled an apology but Esme only laughed as she gently grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into a hug that reminded me instantly of my mother. I smiled some as I realized it was one of the first hugs that didn't cause me to tense up at all. It was comforting.

"Oh dear, you have nothing to be sorry about. If anything, my insomniac daughter should be apologizing. But for now, go upstairs and take a nap. Jasper, go with her and make sure she is left alone long enough to get a long enough nap." (Esme)

Jasper's POV:

I quietly thanked Esme as my worry over how tired Margaret looked was only growing with each passing moment. As soon as Esme released Margaret from her hug I saw a smile on my mate's face. She turned towards me and reached out, and I was surprised by her action as I am usually the one to have to reach out first. I took her hand in my own before I gently wrapped an arm around her shoulders, happy that she was seeming to become more confident in herself with me as she leaned against me.

We had made it to the guest room, where she basically collapsed onto the bed as I laughed a bit at her expense. Another yawn left her mouth before she looked up at me with her sapphire blue eyes shining in the dimly lit room. I covered her with a blanket as she gently grabbed my hand, a small smile on her face.

"Join me maybe?" (Mag)

"I'd love to darlin." (Jas)

Her smile grew some as she moved over a bit, giving me just enough room to lay down before she snuggled up next to me. She was practically on top of my chest, her smile staying on her face as she soon fell asleep. I was happy to have the chance to be with my mate like this again, but dammit I would have to have a talk with Alice about wearing her out like this. It wasn't good, she's human and she needs sleep and Alice will have to remember that from now on.

Her sleep was peaceful for the first hour, but then I noted a change in her emotions first. What were once peaceful were becoming stressed and fearful, quickly turning into painful. I watched as she started to tense and flinch on top of me before she rolled off my chest and onto the bed. I watched her open her mouth but no sound came out, it was as if she were silently screaming.

I realized then it might be a dream or nightmare like what happened with Alice that one time. But surely she wasn't having the same dream again. Dammit where the hell was Edward when you needed him. I couldn't wake her no matter what I tried and I was debating getting Carlisle or Esme to help when she suddenly gasped and sat up on the bed. She was shaking with tears running down her face before she started sobbing.

I reached over and took her into my arms, feeling her tense for but a moment before she relaxed into my chest. She cried in my arms for a few more minutes before she leaned away from me, meeting my own panicked eyes with her own.

"Margaret, what happened? Do you want to talk about it?" (Jas)

"No.....I want......I need to see Mrs. Esme please." (Mag)

Margaret's POV:

I was walking alongside a cliff, and just in front of me was a woman with caramel colored hair and I knew almost instantly that it was Esme. I walked up next to her to see tears falling from her eyes, and I saw that just like Alice, Rose, and Jasper before her, she looked the same age as she did now. I felt my heart break as I watched her cry, knowing that her death was about to occur and by her own hands.

She turned back to face the woods we were near, and a few yards off from the base of the cliff was a highway with a few cars going down it. I saw more tears fall from her eyes before she started humming the lullaby that I had heard her hum once or twice while I was over at the Cullen's house. It was then I saw what looked like a babies blanket in her arms as she held it closer to her for a moment before she closed her eyes.

As she took a step back and fell off the cliff, I fell with her, feeling the briefest moment of peace as we fell through the air. I felt the impact of the ground the same moment she did, and I felt my body scream out even as she stayed silent. A few moments longer than I expected her to last, I watch as she's loaded into a car and taken to a morgue as my body screamed in pain. I laid next to her on the silver morgue table still crying at the pain she was feeling though she had yet to respond in any way. Her heart continued to beat it's weak beat, tears no longer falling from her face as the pain itself seems to finally start to disappear.

I watched as Carlisle rushed into the room and ran up to her, before he leaned down to her neck. I felt the same familiar searing, burning, hell-wrought fire course through my veins and the rest of my body as he leaned away from her, a look of remorse and concern on his face as he did so. I screamed again, with her joining me this time as we both burned until her heart finally stopped beating.

************End of Dream********************

I woke with a gasp as the pain of Esme's death lingered and again I was left wondering how now three of them seemed to die with the same burning pain. Then I realized that Esme hadn't seemed any older in my dream than she was now. So, it meant that she too only had a year or two left.

"Margaret, what happened? Do you want to talk about it?" (Jas)

"No.....I want......I need to see Mrs. Esme please." (Mag)

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