Chapter 72

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Jasper's POV:

I would need to remember to kick Elliot's ass for not calling me the moment she had arrived like he said he would. But it could wait. I had my little mate safe in my arms, and I didn't plan on letting her go again anytime soon in the next century. As our kiss ended I held her as tightly as I would risk against my chest, listening to her heart race as her breaths began to steady against my chest. I felt her shift in my arms and I loosened my hold on her but still kept my arms around as she looked up at me.

I stared into the lovely blue eyes now flecked with bits of silver and gold mixed in, watching as a few tears started to build in them. I ran my left hand over the scars on her cheek as I projected as much love and calm as I could to her. She closed her eyes and leaned into my hand for a moment before she opened her eyes again, feelings of shame and worry running through her as she did.

"Jasper, I'm sorry for what happened. I'm sorry for leaving." (Mags)

"I could never be mad at you darlin. Not even if you never came back. I shoulda came after you when you ran off. I never should have let you think I didn't want you with me." (Jas)

"I just....I needed time to process what had happened. And I was able to learn more about myself. Even found myself a pack." (Mags)

"A what?" (Jas)

"A pack of.....of werewolves. Carly was one of them, I told you about her once I think when she was dating....her true mate is there with her." (Mags)

"Did they treat you right dear?" (Esme)

"Yes, they even helped me as much as they could. Like a second family." (Mags)

I felt my own nerves start to increase at the thought that she was only visiting us and would want to return to them before I saw Edward nod his head no from the other side of the room. I could only hope it meant he had seen she had no intention of leaving me or the rest of us for the pack.

The rest of the family slowly made their way into the living room as Margaret broke eye contact with me and stared instead at our family. I let Margaret pull out of my arms before slowly turning to face the family. No one approached her, as we had all decided we wanted to wait for her to approach us. I wasn't taking any chances when it came to losing her again. She took her hand out of mine and I stayed ready to chase after her if she ran again. To everyone's surprise though she didn't run, but rather walked over to Esme.

"Momma Esme I'm.....I'm sorry for running from you. I'm sorry for what I said to both you and to you too Rosalie. I.....I didn't mean it in regards to any of you I swear." (Mags)

"We know that Margaret, we were never mad with you for what you said." (Rose)

"Oh dear, Rosalie is right, we're all just so happy you're home." (Esme)

"Yeah thunderbird, we've missed you. Plus now maybe Jazz will actually stop moping around like a zombie." (Em)

I watched as her smiled dimmed from the first thing he said as she turned back to face me from her place near Esme. A flood of concern crossed her emotions as she stared at me, tears seeming to build in her eyes again. She glanced to Elliot who had suddenly found the ceiling very interesting before she looked back to me, tears now actively falling from her eyes. She went to say something but couldn't get the words out as a small sob left her mouth instead. I had her in my arms and upstairs in my room in an instant, the rest of the family quietly leaving for an hour or two to give us more privacy.

I laid us both down on the bed that Esme had moved in here after Rose and Emmett took their own bed back. She sobbed into my shirt as I stroked her hair, and I wondered what exactly had upset her. It wasn't being back here with me was it? She didn't already need to leave again did she? Where the hell was Edward when you actually needed him and his gift. I let her tears continue for another minute before I couldn't take the pain and shame coming off her anymore, not without answers anyway.

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now