Chapter 18

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Margaret's POV:

I was sitting on the swing on the back porch a little bit before 8, having woken up early around 7 after what had to be the best night of sleep I've had in years. Alice had gone somewhere to run an errand, having taken Jasper with her only a few moments after I had woken up. I wish she had taken me along too, as leaving me here with a house full of people I wasn't exactly comfortable around wasn't exactly my idea of fun.

I sipped the cup of coffee that Esme had made me as I looked at the woods, hearing the birds chirping their morning songs. My mind raced with thoughts of last night, was he about to kiss me on the porch when we got back home or was my mind simply imagining it? Would I have let him? I hadn't moved away as I half expected myself to when he got that close to me but it doesn't mean I wouldn't have flinched away at the last moment.

The trust I had for Jasper was growing stronger but it was almost a reflex that had been literally beat into me when people got that close to me. It was only him and Alice that my body seemed to allow to bypass that reflex so far. But if Edward hadn't swung open the door last night, would I have let him kiss me?

"Good morning chicka!" (Emmett)

At the sound of the booming voice right beside me interrupting my thoughts, I jumped, nearly dropping the coffee cup, and tensed almost immediately. I hadn't interacted much with Edward, Emmett, or Carlisle. However, based on how his girlfriend thinks of me I was even less inclined to interact with Emmett than any of the others. Not to mention he was the definition of intimidating as large as he was.

"Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you, we haven't really been introduced yet. Name's Emmett, but most of the family call me Em so you can too." (Em)

I tensed again as his hand came towards me but I was proud of myself for not flinching, perhaps I could train my body not to flinch as much after all. I shook his hand, feeling a creeping sensation of fear crawl up me as I realized just how big his hand was and just how muscular he looked up close. His smile only seemed to grow though as I shook his hand before he let go and took a seat on the side railing a few feet away from me. He was so unlike anyone else I had ever met. Like a true man child with his muscles mixed with his dimpled smile and mischievous eyes.

"So.....Margaret, no nickname for you I've heard?" (Em)

"No, I'm afraid I don't have a nickname to give you to call me by Em." (Mag)

"Oh that just gives me the right to pick one for you." (Em)

"Should I be worried?" (Mag)

"Nah, I pick great nicknames." (Em)

A small laugh let my lips as he said this and for some reason a smug look came over his face and he almost puffed up like a proud rooster. Another laugh slipped from my mouth as I thought of this before he looked at me in slight confusion. I shook my head with a smile on my lips before I looked away from the man child, feeling as comfortable in his presence as I could, though it still wasn't as much compared to when I was with Alice or Esme, or even in Jasper's presence.

I heard thunder in the distance before I saw a brief flash of lighting as the bird's songs started to change to warning whistles about the approaching storm. I smiled again as another sound of thunder seemed to shake the trees around us. I heard Alice's voice in the kitchen and realized I didn't hear the car pull up thanks to the thunder, but I don't walk in to find her. I like it out here right now with the storm just now starting, not to mention it gives me a break from the fashionista even if I do love trying on new things.

"There you are! What are you two doing out here?" (Alice)

"Well I was just trying to think of a nickname for thunderbird here." (Em)

I felt what had to be my first full laugh in years leave my mouth just as Jasper walked outside behind Alice with a smile on his face. I shook my head to Emmett's suggestion for a nickname before my attention was taken with a lighting bolt flashing across the sky again. I sipped some more of my coffee as Jasper took a seat next to me on the bench, before Alice went inside with a small smile on her face. A few seconds after another burst of thunder, we heard Alice's voice call from inside the house.

"Emmett, Esme needs you!" (Alice)

"Yea, sure she does. Well see yah around shorty." (Em)

Jasper's POV:

I smiled at Emmett as he made my mate laugh again on the way inside the house. I had never felt this much happiness come off of her, and even though I could still feel her fear for him underneath it, I was grateful he had made her laugh like that. I froze for a moment as Margaret moved from her position and slowly leaned her head against my shoulder. I hadn't expected her to move any closer to me when I sat down but I soon felt my body relax under her at the same moment she relaxed next me.

"I'm sorry about Emmett, he may never stop until he finds a nickname he likes for you." (Jas)

"It's fine, I won't lie he....startles me at times. I'm just not used to someone so loud I suppose. But I don't mind, he reminds me of a child at times. A man child I suppose." (Mag)

I felt another wave of almost giddy happiness wash over her as a loud boom of thunder hit just over us. Normally we would place baseball in weather like this, but Alice said it would soon turn into a downpour and the girls would almost never play in weather like that. I saw my mate looking up at the darkening sky with a smile on her face.

"So, you like thunderstorms?" (Jas)

"I love them, always have." (Mag)

"Why?" (Jas)

"Because thunderstorms remind me that sometimes even the sky screams." (Mag)

I stared down at my mate in question but decided against asking her more about that as I felt another wave of happiness and tranquility come off her with the boom of thunder that hit. I knew that in a few moments we would have to retire to inside the kitchen, as the rain would start, but for now I only wanted to enjoy having my beautiful mate lean against my shoulder without her feelings of fear from the rest of the family polluting her feeling of contentment right now.

I had a moment of disappointment wash over me when she sat up and away from my shoulder as she looked into my eyes. I watched her bite her lip for a moment as she looked away before she set her now empty coffee cup on the small table next to her, turning back to face me with a determined look on her face as uncertainty seemed to creep through her emotions.

"Were you going to kiss me last night Jasper?" (M)

I was taken aback by her question for a moment as I looked back into her still determined eyes, a sense of curiosity mixed with hope and the ever-present fear coming off her. I took an unneeded deep breath as I looked away for a moment to gather my thoughts before looking back at her, deciding honesty was the best route to go down with my mate.

"I was, if you were going to let me, before we were interrupted." (J)

"Is it wrong of me to say I would have let you then and I would let you now?" (M)

"I don't think it's wrong because I still want to kiss you just as much now as I did last night. I was only so slow because I was worried about scaring you off. I remembered you said you didn't like to be touched." (J)

"I haven't for some time, by anyone, but with you......with you it's different. I don't know how to explain it, other than your touch doesn't scare me as much as others does." (M)

I saw and smelt her blush as it appeared on her cheeks before she looked away from me for a moment until I placed a finger gently under her chin. I pulled her face back up to look at me, drawing myself closer to her even as I knew it was putting my self-control to the ultimate test to let myself be this close to her. I felt her tense for a second before she relaxed next to me and leaned in closer to close the gap.

My lips found her soft and warm ones even as the scent of her blood washed over me in waves again, yet I wasn't tempted. As it always seemed her blood seemed to call out to me for reasons other than food, it was as if her blood was calling to me for help or comfort. Something I longed to always be able to give to her. I felt her hand start to come through my curls as I continued to gently kiss her, reminding myself that she would need to breath between kisses. It wasn't until my hand found my way to her scarred cheek that she froze in my embrace and mid-kiss.

I open my eyes to find hers still closed tightly, her breathing coming out in harsh sounding breaths as my hand continued to rest on her scarred cheek. I reached out and felt her emotions, feeling the shame and fear starting to creep through her and I wondered what was the source of those emotions. I gently traced a few of the scars on her cheek and felt her emotions of shame increase as I did.

"Margaret, what's wrong?" (J)

"Nothing I.....excuse me." (M)

I watched in slight surprise as she slid away from me before standing, taking the coffee cup in her hand and walking into the kitchen. I heard her thank Esme for the coffee again, the strain evident in her voice, before walking upstairs. I knew Alice was with Edward in the music room, telling me in a stern voice too low for Margaret to hear that I needed to go after her. I agreed with her 100% as I stood and made my way after her.

I stood in front of Alice's room and felt out her emotions again, surprised again by the shame and hatred that was coming off her in waves. I knocked on the door and heard her quiet voice telling me to come in. I walked in and saw her sitting on the edge of the bed looking out towards the window with tears falling down her beautiful face.

"Margaret?" (J)

I watched as she jumped a bit as she turned to see me standing a few feet away from her in surprise. She wiped a few of the falling tears away even as more continued to fall. I walked over and kneeled down in front of her as she stayed sitting upon the bed with her arms around her knees. She looked at me for a moment before looking down and placing her head on her knees as she avoided looking at me.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were Alice." (M)

"It's fine darlin, but what's wrong? Is it something I did?" (J)

"No, nothing you did. I just, I wish....I hate the scars." (M)

"Margaret, look at me." (J)

I watched her slowly raise her head and open her eyes and look at me, tears starting to grow in her eyes again as I started to gently trace the scars on her face and even the ones on her neck. She tensed under my hand for a moment before I felt her relax some under my touch. I watched a few tears began to slowly fall from her eyes and I started to gently wipe them away.

"I know you may hate your scars, but I think they show how strong you are. I wouldn't change them for anything. You are so incredibly beautiful just as you are Margaret." (J)

" really think so?" (M)

"I know so. And I also think that was the best kiss I've ever had." (J)

I watched as she blushed before she looked back up at me and nodded in agreement. She started to lean closer to me again, relaxing as she had been only moments earlier, and I met her halfway this time. I smiled into the kiss before I heard Alice calling for both of us and ending it sooner than I would have liked. But when I heard the quiet giggle leave Margaret's mouth it chased away any disappointment I may have had.

"Well let's go see what my troublesome pixie of a sister wants from us then." (J)

"Don't call her names it's mean, but I agree let's see what she wants." (M)

I watched her smile as I did, standing up together and holding hands as we went downstairs. I knew Alice wanted to make sure she had eaten breakfast and if not that she would eat lunch. Though her timing could have been better, especially since she knew what we were talking about only moments. But I suppose as she always does, she had her reasons.

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now