Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 (Nov. 14th)
Margaret's POV:

I was once again at my new favorite place in the world, second to Jasper's arms I suppose, and that was the Cullen's house. I had come to hang out with Jasper, but he was running late getting back from the airport with Emmett and Edward, picking up their older brother. Dr. Carlisle was still at the hospital, running 'late as usual' as Mrs. Esme said. So, I was left to hang out with Mrs. Esme as Rosalie and Alice were both out of the house right now as well on a shopping venture. Though I was rather thankful that I missed out on that trip, because I could only imagine how Alice is on those types of trips after having seen her closet.

It would be a lie to say that I wasn't a bundle of nerves as I waited for Jasper to get back, knowing that I would be meeting his older brother for the first time. I had just gotten used to Emmett and Edward and now had a third brother to meet, Elliot. He had mentioned having another brother only once before in passing, saying that he was traveling some before college. He said Elliot was a cousin of Carlisle's adopted at a young age when Carlisle was still studying medicine in England. Jasper had told me that I didn't have anything to worry about, but I still wondered if he would accept me as quickly as most of his other siblings had come to.

Though I didn't much time to worry as I was having fun with Mrs. Esme, laughing and talking with her as muchas I could ever picture doing with my own mom if she were still alive. We hadcovered everything from school to art and architecture, and the more we talkedwith one another the more comparisons I was beginning to make between her andmy own mom. I was even beginning to wonder if they wouldn't have been friendsshould she still be alive. I realize that my face must have shown some sign ofdistress as she suddenly stopped talking and took my hand in her own a look ofconcern on her face.

"Margaret dear, are you alright?" (Esme)

"Yes ma'am of course, I just......I couldn't help but wonder if you and my motherwould have been friends." (M)

"I'm sure if she was anything like you we would have been great friends. Do youremember a lot about her dear?" (Esme)

"Not as much as I would like to. She used to play piano but couldn't sing atall. Granny Cynthia once said she sang like a dying canary." (M)

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad." (Esme)

"Oh trust me, she was horrible at singing but she made up for it. She made the best mac and cheesein the world and her favorite color was green. So she always had fresh flowersand live plants in the house." (M)

"I suppose that's where your love of drawing in the garden came from." (Esme)

"That's probably true. Though she used to take me to every art exhibit she could find,no matter how small it was." (M)

"That too explains your foundation as a remarkable artist. What else do youremember about her?" (Esme) 

"I's one of my last memories I have of usspending time together before she.....before the crash. We were at an art showand I told her I liked the painting of couples and she smiled at me and told methat one day I would marry a southern gentleman just like she did but that myhappiness would be longer lived than hers." (M)

"Your father was her happiness I'm guessing?" (Esme) 

"I believe so yes. She would often tell me he was her love, despite her having gotten remarried Randy a few years after he died. I think she only did that because her options were so few since we didn't have any other family." (M) 

I saw Esme smile some even as her eyes seemed to fill with tears that shedidn't let fall. I felt a tear or two escape my eyes as I thought of my motherbut then found myself thinking of Esme again. She was the closest thing I hadbeen able to compare to my mother in years, I only wondered if she would beannoyed at my thoughts of looking to her as a mother figure for myself.

"Mom, we're home." (Ed)

"There you boys are. I was wondering if you were ever getting back." (Esme)

I saw Edward hug Esme before Emmett strolled in, a smirk on his face as hewaved at us before running upstairs yelling 'gotta shower for date night.' Edwardyelled out 'race you' before following him upstairs. I laughed a bit as Esmerolled her eyes before looking at me and grabbing ahold of my hand before I gotup from my place on the stool and made my way to the living room where I couldonly guess Jasper and Elliot was.

"Margaret honey, I know I could never replace your mom but if you ever need totalk or need a mom to chat with just know that I'm there." (Esme)

"I......I would like that very much. Thank you." (M)

Jasper's POV:

I heard what Edwardhad whispered to Esme concerning Margaret's thoughts towards her, and I wasever the more grateful to Esme in that moment. I knew that Esme loved my mate asmuch as she did any of us, perhaps even more so in some ways. I felt waves ofhappiness flow of my mate stronger than I had ever felt before as Esme gave hera gentle hug before she stood up from her place at the table and turned to seeme standing in the front doorway with Elliot only a few feet behind me.

"Hi mom." (J)

"Hello dear, now where is my missing in action son." (Esme) 

"Right here mum, and boy has me missed you to the moon and back he did." (Elliot) 

I saw Margaret stop where she was as Elliot picked up Esme and swung her around, Margaret's smile on her face growing as Esme laughed. He put her back down on the floor and was soon walking towards Margaret with a smile on his face and his hand out for her to shake. I saw her look him up and down for a moment as her body tensed, and I wondered what she thought of him. I heard Edward laugh from upstairs before whispering what she thought of him. 

"She thinks he looks like he belongs in a boy band from the 90s." (Ed)

I held in a snigger as I looked at him and agreed with her the way he was currently dressed. He was wearing a leather jacket over a graphic t-shirt, heavy black boots, black jeans with rips in them, and his hair was styled with gel into points. I watched though as she took his hand into her own as he introduced himself. 

"Well luv, it's nice to meet you. I of course know that you are the famous Margaret that ole Jazzy won't shut up, always going on bout you he is. I am Elliot, his older brother." (El)

"It's nice to meet you as well Elliot, I haven't heard as much about you, but I suppose I will now that you're home?" (M)

It was an unsure question, but as he let out a light laugh her smile became more sure. I walked up next to her and gently wrapped an arm around her, kissing her temple as Elliot watched with a smirk on his face. When we had warned him about Margaret being a human on the way back from the airport he thought we were kidding, especially with my track record with humans being the worst out of the family. 

"Well I'm absolutely knackered after that flight, might have a bit of lie down before girls get home and lecture me about fashion eh? See you two lovebirds a bit later I would bet. Pleasure meeting you dove." (El)

"It was nice meeting you as well Elliot." (M)

I felt sincerity come off her in waves and wondered why it was Elliot that she seemed to be the most at ease with out of my brothers when she had just met him. Suppose it was his 'gift' of likeability as he often joked he head. Though sometimes we wondered if it wasn't a real gift. Margaret finally turned towards me as he went upstairs, her eyes sparkling as she leaned up to kiss me. I met her lips in my own instantly, enjoying the kiss before drawing back and looking at her opened smiling eyes. 

"Ready to go then Margaret?" (J)

"Of course, wouldn't want to miss this for anything." (M) 

"Try not to be out too late dears, Margaret and I have made plans for tomorrow. We're drawing in the greenhouse." (Esme)

"Of course mom, not too late." (J) 

She nodded before giving Esme another hug before returning to my side, walking out with me and grabbing her heavier winter coat as we went. The ride to the mountain park was quite, but a smile never left either of our faces as our hands stayed entwined. It was after parking and setting up a warm blanket on the ground and another thrown over us that she snuggled up against my chest, between my legs. She was staring up at the sky, looking at the numerous stars around us as we waited for the meteor shower to start. 

"Are you going to make a wish?" (J)

"Not sure I need to J, I doubt things could ever get any better than they have right now." (M) 

I felt a burst of pride fill my chest as she looked over her shoulder at me, before I gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. it was over far too soon for my taste but I was rewarded when she suddenly let out a quiet happy gasp at the first sigh of a shooting star. I felt her hand slowly start to trace shapes on my own under the blanket, the hand that was wrapped gently around her waist and I knew she was right. What more could I possibly wish for. 

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