george weasley "eating"

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*eating disorder*
You knocked on george's door waiting for him to open it
"Hey y/n what's wrong?" He asked
"What's wrong ? I haven't seen you at dinner or breakfast the past 3 days why not ?" You asked
" Ow I was busy studying and stuff"
"And now the truth please"
"It is the truth I just have a lot to do okay"
"But you need to eat right ?"
"Y/n please I am not a child I know when I need to eat okay stop acting like you are my babysitter"
"I'm just worried okay sorry that I care about you and want you to eat"
"Okay bye"
"No" you said while putting your foot between the door so that he couldn't close it
"I brought some food with me you need to eat george"
"I DON'T WANNA EAT" he screamed
"Why not george tell me"
"Because I am worthless I don't deserve food"
"What in the bloody hell are you saying there you deserve everything george please why do you think that ?"
"Because I am horrible i made you cry"
"What ?"
"Yes after our fight in the great hall "
"Omg george no I was just tired and a drama queen it had nothing to do with you "
"Well I felt like it did"
"But it didn't so please eat something now dear"
"Okay then only if we cuddle after"
"Of Course" you smiled
If you haven't eat anything yet please try to even if it is only a little you deserve it love give yourself some food and don't feel bad about giving your body what I needs to survive
You are important baby never forget that
{Also sorry that this is so bad lmao}

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