"how would they react to" a pimple

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Imagine you had a huge pimple on your forehead how would they react :)

Doesn't really notice it but doesn't mind because it's natural

"Wow love what is that huge thing on your forehead ?"
Once you explain him and he sees it made you insecure he would give kisses on your forehead and tells you how beautiful you are with or without the pimple

Doesn't really care she knows how hard it is when people point out your pimples so she doesn't really give attention to it because she wants you to feel beautfull because you are

"Don't worry about it darling it's something natural that happens when the puberty hits you I have it to you're still the most beautiful creature to walk on this planet and you will always be" her calm voice would say

When she notices how insecure you feel because of it she would point out every insecurity she has to make you feel better

Makes a offensive joke about it like "shouldn't you go put one some make-up?"but when he realizes it hurts you he would stop and apologize. Very quickly not knowing what else to say he would just walk away .

"Aw love don't worry about it it looks good on you baby my mom used to call them strawberry freckles" chuckles slightly

Doesn't say anything about it he also has ance sometimes and he know how insecure you could get when someone points them out thanks to his lovely twin brother fred

Finds it adorable on you he wants you to feel like the badass bitch you are so he gives everyone death stares when the look at it in a offense way

Would definitely look at you in disgust and wouldn't kiss your forehead because he is scared it's gonna explode in his face that dumbass bitch

Laughs it off and doesn't stop telling you how beautiful you are

Doesn't say anything about it either when people would said things about his teeth he couldn't stop looking at them thinking if they really were that worse and he doesn't want you to go through the same he's a sweetheart and would always tell you how gorgeous you are and he doesn't deserve such a pretty girl as you

Would look at it in a weird way like she is giving dirty looks at you wich makes you uncomfortable but in reality she is just thinking how you can still be so gorgeous and how lucky she is to have you
Let me know if I forget someone

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