miscarriage (harry potter)

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Y/n pov
You and your husband harry were expecting a baby girl everything went great until that one evening

You were sitting at table eating dinner, you were home late because of your work , lately you worked really late which caused a lot of stress on you . You were really tired , didn't really eat and just want to sleep once you got home
"Hi there love" your husband came downstairs with sleep in his eyes
"Ow sorry did i wake you up babe ?"
"A little but that's okay" he got down infront of you placing a little kiss on your stomach
"Hello there little one" he smiled big
You couldn't help a small smile forming on your face , once he knew you were pregnant he did this every morning , evening it was adorable
He placed a small kiss on your forehead walking to the kitchen to get some water .
"How was work ?" He asked
"Boring and exhausting" you yawned
"Awh baby go get some sleep" he smiled
"Yeah i'm gonna do that" you smiles walking over to him
"I'm there in a minute" you hugged him and walked upstairs , brushing your teeth and putting your pyjamas on"
You went into bed and fell into a deep sleep

You woke up by some pain in your stomach nothing abnormal you were pregnant after all , until the pain got worse making you hiss in pain which caused harry to wake up
"Are you okay love?"
"N-no it hurts" you said
"Your stomach?" He asked
"Y-yes" you said hissing in pain again
He lays his hand on your stomach and rubbed it slowly and gently
"It's okay love" he said calmly
The pain got even worse and you felt the baby kicking like it was staying to escape causing you to grab your stomach , trying to protect your little girl
"No no no" you yelled
"Baby baby calm down look at me" he said cupping your cheeks
"No no harry she's kicking , please help"
"I will call someone please stay calm my love"
"Fuckkkkk" you hissed in pain
Harry called a doctor , trying to hide his panic but you noticed it
"The doctor will be here soon love please try to stay calm"
The pain got even worse and you noticed blood on your inner thighs you started sobbing , yelling for help
"Fuck please baby stay calm" harry said , his eyes started to water
"I can't i'm losing the baby" you yelled in panic
Suddenly everything went black

You slowly woke up , a crying husband by your side and a doctor with a look of guilt in his eyes
"W-what's wrong"
Harry looked at you and grabbed your hand tightly
"I'm so sorry love i really am"
"We lost our baby ... You had a miscarriage" he sobbed
"No no that's impossible" you cried
"I'm sorry my love" harry cried

It was now 5 months later .
You cried every day , stopped working , you felt guilty for your husband , for your baby girl that wasn't their anymore
Harry tried to make you laugh but it didn't work
You couldn't even smile
But you did slowly get better , little steps .. it was exhausting but you did it , you started to feel better and so did harry
At the end you still had each other and that was everything you needed at this moment

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