miscarriage (george weasley)

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*warnings : miscarriage
If you feel uncomfortable with this then please skip this chapter , if you read this that's your responsibility , don't blaim me afterwards because it triggerd you , this is a situation that can happen in real life to
Also if you experienced this already i'm so sorry remember he/she is waiting for you in heaven when your time has arrived love and enjoy the chapter*

Y/n pov
You were pregnant for five months now your  little boy would be  there soon and you had to prepare stuff for your  little one , you remembered telling george he was so happy , he jumped out off excitement it was adorable .
You were currently reading a book when you felt a heavy pain in your stomach you didn't think much of it since you had it more till the pain became worse and tears were falling down your cheeks , you were holding into your stomach trying to protect your little boy , the pain became even worse and it made you fall back on the floor , you were screaming in pain , hoping your boyfriend george would hear you and he did he came rushing downstairs panicking when he saw you he sat down next to you , asking you what happend , almost crying
You saw blood dripping down your thigh
"George please i can't lose this baby" you cried out
"It's okay we're not gonna lose our baby stay calm my love i called someone they can be here any minute"
"Please i'm bleeding" you cried
"It's okay it's okay" he was now crying to holding into your hand tightly , his other hand on your stomach
"Georgeee pleaseee i'm gonna lose him i can't feel him anymore"
"No no it's okay please stay calm they're coming"
"I lost our baby george" you cried even harder
"No you didn't don't say that" he said tears falling down his cheeks
Three minutes later a docter appeared
"Ow dear" he said rushing over to you
He layed his hand on your stomach and sighed in relief
"I can feel a heart beat but it's really low" he told you guys
You smiles because your baby wasn't dead , but you also cried even harder because his heartbeat was low
"C'mon love you can do this" george whisperd in your ear
Suddenly the hand of the doctor removed himself from your stomach and he looked at you with guilt in his eyes
"I'm so sorry miss , you have a miscarriage"
"No" you screamed "no no no no i can't have a , please say this is a joke , tell me it is a joke" you cried out
"I'm sorry dear , there is nothing i can do"
George felt his world storting on
"Fuckkkk" he screamed
"I'm so sorry this is all my fault i'm so sorry , so so sorry"
"It's not your fault love" george assumed you cupping your cheeks
"It's okay we can get through this

It was now 5 months later and you did make the baby room , not because their was a baby on the way , but it was a part of your healing process .
George found it a little weird at first but now he gets why you wanted it , it's so peaceful like he's actually there with you guys
Sometimes you heard him mumbling
"Hey my little baby , you know what daddy did today , i made an amazing joke , fred couldn't even say anything back" he slightly laughed
"I knew i was the funny one" he then proudly smiled
He used to tell all his day stories
It made him feel better and you understood the feeling because you did the same there wasn't a day you didn't say sorry to george for losing his child who would always assume you it wasn't your fault , that mother nature just had other plans but that your little boy would always wait for you til your time is there , and with that tought in your head you found peace .

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