i can't be with you (part 2 tom riddle)

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(If you haven't read the first one go do that first it's right above this one , love)

Y/n pov
You were graduated from hogwarts 5 years ago , you were happy with how your life was going , you had a pretty house and you shared it with your wonderful soon to be husband that you met 2 years ago at work. He was wonderful and the sweetest soul. That's why you're embarrassed you sometimes still think about tom , you loved him to be honest you still do , you haven't seen him in 5 years , but you haven't spoken to him for much longer , he probably already forgot about you..
You were currently getting ready for your wedding adding the final touch of your make up before someone knocked on the door
"Come in"
"Hey y/n" hermione smiled " there is someone here to see you , can I let them in?"
"Uhmm sure yeah of course" you smiled at her
But that smile quickly faded when you saw who came behind her
"T-tom?" You whispered in shock
"Hi y/n , i'm sorry i'm here i just i heard you are getting married and i wanted to see you and tell you how happy i am for you, you deserve it"
"Thanks tom, I really appreciate that" you smiled
He slightly smiled back and looked you up and down
"You're gorgeous" you couldn't help but blush at his compliment
"Well thank you"
"Anytime , well i should probably go then" he softly spoke
"Wait , no I mean you can stay if you want to , i can make a seat free for you?"
"That's really nice of you y/n but i can't stay"
"Why not?" You asked the disappointment cleary in your voice
"Cause- no just because i have things to do now"
"You know i know you pretty well riddle and i know when you're lying"
He laughed softly and nodded
"I am indeed lying y/n , i'm sorry the real reason is just embarrassing"
"Nothing you tell me is embarrassing tom" you walked closer to him and held his hand in yours
"It's just, i want to see you happy i really do , it just still hurts seeing you happy with someone else" he looked at your hands interlocked and a small smile came on his face
"Tom i- i didn't know it still hurted you , I thought you already moved on i'm sorry"
"No it's okay , i should have moved on already , i thought i did but hearing you were gonna marry him it just felt like my world stopped , but that's selfish of me since i'm the one who ruined us so"
"No no it's not , they're your feelings if you feel pain you feel pain it's not selfish"
"Thanks y/n" he nodded while letting go of your hand
"I missed you tom i really did"
"I missed you to , i still do" he came closer to you and gave a kiss on your forehead
"Go on darling, go and make that lucky man your husband"
You giggled softly and nodded before giving him a tight hug
"Thanks for coming to see me tom , I really really appreciate it"
"Always darling" he smiled before leaving the room leaving you with an empty feeling you quickly brushed away you're minutes from getting married get yourself together

At the altar
Staying there with the man you thought was the love of your life didn't feel right anymore,  looking around you and seeing him , tom riddle , looking at you with tears in his eyes he tried to hide but a smile on his face made your decision clear
You were doing the wrong thing
"I'm sorry i can't do this" you walked away and your supposed to be husband started yelling for you to come back , you ran outside where it was raining,  great.
"Y/n , y/n wait!" Tom
You turned around and you both ran at each other , when you were close enough you hugged each other as tight as you could
"I'm sorry,  i'm sorry. I made a mistake. I love you so much" you cried
"Hey hey its okay baby it's okay" he brushed his fingers trough your hair and gave a kiss on your head
"I love you to y/n i always have and always will"
"There is no one that could ever make me feel like you did tom , god i'm so stupid i ever let you go"
"You did the right thing , i treated you horrible. I deserved it. I had to learn to respect myself first before i could respect a woman like you , and i promise from now on i will , if you let me"
"God ofcourse" you smiled "i want you back tom"
"Well that's good cause i also want you back my love" he kissed you passionate and held you close to him
"But now let's go inside i'm freezing" he shivered while you let out a laugh

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