webcam sex (pansy parkinson)

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Y/n pov
Pansy wasn't home , she has been away for 2 weeks now for her work and you missed her , you didn't only miss her words , her smile or her cuddles and kisses you also missed her touch how good she could make you feel , you felt yourself getting wet just by thinking of it
Since she would be away for a week longer and you really couldn't take it anymore you just began texting her , and let me tell you it definitely wasn't innocent. 
You started with messages like
"I want you"
"I'm so wet for you pansy"
"Please eat me out"
But that escalated really quick and you also sended her pictures first just in a bra , mirror selfies that showed your lingerie but they quickly changed to nudes of your boobs , pictured and vidios of you touching yourself and you knew pansy was getting mad , she craved you just as much as you craved her
She sended you pictures to and she definitely wasn't innocent , she sended you pictures of her in the mirror completely naked , pictures of her boobs and her wet pussy , were she was touching herself and moaning your name
She texted you things like
"Touch yourself for me darling"
"Rub that clit for me"
"Cum baby , cum for me"
And it turned you on so damn hard sometimes you would even video call and she would be moaning your name and you were moaning hers
It was such a sight for sore eyes every night she would sent you a risky photo or message and would say something like goodnight my love after it
You were craving this goddess and once she was back it would be a longggg night

I know it's short but i wanted to update so yeah :)

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