fred weasley : dislexia (request)

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*in this story you have dislexia*
*If you were the one who requested it say it in the comments so you can have clout*

Y/n pov
You were sitting in potion class besides fred weasley today you had a huge crush on him but you knew that it would never be more then a simple hello

"So y/n can u please read page 367 for me" snape asked
Fuck ..
"Uhm s-sir I'm afraid I can't"
"What do you mean you can't ? I asked you to read it so do it before you get a detention miss y/l/n
"Okay sir uhmm a-amorentia is a love po wait Uhm love potion and i-i it makes you s-smell so- some- someone you are"
"What is this you can't read or something are you like four?" Draco sneered
"Shut up malfoy" hermione said angry
She knew how hard it could be for you to read ans when you were nervous it was even worse
"What she stutters more than she reads" he said back
Tears were now forming in your eyes this was what you were afraid off people making fun of you
"Shut up malfoy" hermione snapped
"No one asked your opinion mudblood"
"Stop" snape said calmly
"Y/n read again and now good please we aren't in kindergarten"
The whole class start to laugh
"Fuck this" you mutterd under your breath exciting the classroom
You sat down in the hall your back against the cold wall your chin resting against your knees when you heard someone running your way
"Y/n are you okay?"
Fuck it was fred you thought
"Y-yes I was just i don't know" you sobbed
"Hey it's okay" Fred said while sitting beside you and pulling you into a warm embrace
"I know what it is like"
"You do?" You asked looking at him with tears in your eyes
"Yes when I was younger I was also bad at reading I litterly couldn't form any word so every day my mom would let me read a book out loud and it worked"
"Well I still have it" you said quietly
"Well I can help you ?" He suggested
"What do you mean?"
"We can read a book in my dorm or in the library every day and believe me you don't need to be afraid"
"We could do that" you smiled
"Yeah we should c'mon darling it's time for lunch" he smiled back
You both stood up and walked to the great hall maybe this was the beginning of something new .

harry potter one shotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora