little scorpius (d.m)

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300 K reads! I wanted to thank all of you so much, this means so much to me , thank you for all the love and support,  i  love you all

Y/n pov
You and draco were married , lived in a beautiful house with your beautiful son scorpius who was now 3 years old , he looked just like draco but he had your personality.  A perfect mix of you both
You both were great parents although sometimes it was harder for draco , he never wanted to point out scorpius his mistakes scared that he was gonna look like his father that's why you always were the one to punish him , pointing out his mistakes.  But currently you were at work and scorp was behaving like a little brat
"Scorpius please clean up your mess, your toys are everywhere around the room" draco sighed
"No! You clean up" he kept playing with his toys and made an ever bigger mess
"Scorpius malfoy, clean those toys up, you're making a mess" draco said slowly losing it
"No no no" he started throwing his toys at the floor glaring at draco who was now starting to get mad , he had to know  you couldn't be behaving like that
"Scorpius clean those toys and go to your room!" He yelled immediately regretting it when he saw little scorpius flinch he never yelled at him
"O-okay" scorpius mumbled quickly cleaning up his toys and running to his room , he wasn't scared of draco, he just wasn't used to him yelling and punishing him .
"Fuck" draco muttered under his breath he immediately felt bad , he felt like his father. 
2 hours later you came back from work , draco sitting on the couch with puffy red eyes
"Hey love what's wrong" you sat next to him and hugged him tightly
"S-scorpius he h-hates me"
"What? Why?"
"I yelled at him"
"Why did you yell at him love"
"He didn't listen, i asked him to clean up his toys and he didn't, so i sended him to his room"
"Shh baby you didn't do anything wrong,  i do that to right?"
He shrugs and hides his face in your neck
"I will go talk to him okay?"
He nodded and gave you a small smile before you went upstairs to the room of your son scorpius who was sitting on his bed still crying
"Hi buddy what's wrong" you placed him on your lap and played with his hair trying to calm him down
"Dada- he yelled at me"
"And why did he yell at you scorpius?"
"I was bad"
"I didn't listen, my toys" he started crying hysterically again
"Shhh no , it's okay, did you clean them up now?"
"That's good , come on love it's time for dinner" you picked him up and walked downstairs
Draco looked at scorpius and immediately felt even worse when he saw his red eyes
"Hey scorp" he begun "I'm so so sorry for yelling at you, but i just want you to listen to me, do you understand?"
"Yes dada , i'm sowwy"
"It's okay scorp" he smiled picking him up and giving him a tight hug
"Me love you dada" scorpius smiled looking at him
"I love you so much more scorpius"

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