your mom hates me (fred weasly) angst

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ALSO CAN WE JUST TALK ABT HOW CUTE MOMMY AND ARTHUR ARE IDC IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEM BUT AWHHH *so you're a slytherin for this one and you're dating fred weasly , only his mom molly doesn't really approve that and would do anything so he breaks up with you and realizes he deserves better*

You were at a Christmas party with the weasly's , you were exited to see some people again , but the only problem was his mother you had the strong feeling she despised you since you were a slytherin but everytime you told Fred about it he just laughed it of and said you were probably just imagining things
Molly was making dinner in the kitchen and you decided to help her , just to have a little chat with her so you could see if you really just imaged it .
"Hi miss Weasly , can I help with something?" You smiled at her
She just looked at you and then back at the food she was making
"Get out of my kitchen y/l/n"
"Oh uhm okay?" You said more confused  but walked out of the kitchen and went to Fred
And that is what went on for the rest of the evening she always gave you glares and made some stupid comments , and eventually you got sick of them and wanted to leave
"Fred can we please leave?"
"Why? You feel sick love?" He asked worried
"No it's just- i don't wanna stay here to be honest"
"What do you mean darling?" He asked rubbing his thumb against your cheek
"Y-your mom"
"Y/n , we're not gonna have that conversation again" he said still rubbing your cheek with his thumb
"Okay" you smiled knowing it was useless anyway and only would lead to a fight between you and Fred
It was a few days later and you decided to go talk to Molly , you wanted to know why she was acting like that but you also wanted to tell her something
You knocked at the burrow and Arthur opened
"Oh hi there y/n" he smiled , Arthur was a sweetheart,  he always listend to you and you guys always talked about muggle stuff,  which he was surprised of at first cause you knew a lot about it , and also cause you were a slytherin and he thought you would despise muggle stuff but you told him you went on a vacation to the muggle world once and it was the best vacation you ever had , since then you guys always talked about every new muggle thing you found out
"Hi mister Weasley,  is miss Weasly home?" You asked
"Oh yeah she is , she's in the kitchen" he smiled letting you in
"Thank you" you smiled at him walking to the kitchen
"Miss Weasly?" You asked
"What are you doing her y/l/n" she snapped
"Oh i uhm just wanted to ask what that was about on your christmas party it looked like you didn't want me there?"
"Well then you're correct y/n"
You were confused but also chocked
"S-sorry what?"
"You heard me , i don't want you in this family y/n , you're a filth of a slytherin and you would be a disappointment if you ever became part of this family, I will make sure Fred knows that you aren't good for him and he deserves better"
A tear rolled down your cheek,  everything you thought it was true she really despised you
"I- i promise i'm not like that at all , i only want the best for Fred , I love him so much he means everything to me"
"Well if he does mean everything to you , then leave him , you're gonna break him y/n" she said looking at you with pure hate in her eyes
But what you didn't know is that george , Fred his twin brother,  heard everything about it and immediately went to Fred to tell him everything his mother was saying to you
Fred immediately went to the burrow and stormed into the kitching , he saw you standing there with tears in your eyes and molly yelling at you , telling you how she despised he was dating you,  that you were a disappointment
"Enough!" Fred yelled , you both looked at him shocked cause you didn't expect him there
"So it was true huh mother? Y/n told me about how she felt , that she felt like you despised her and i was so naive telling her she was just imagining things , but it's true then huh and then you even have the guts to tell me you love her cause she makes me happy but when i'm not there , you tell her to fk leave me?" He sounded broken but also angry
"Fred please son it's not like" molly began
"Save it! We're leaving y/n , don't you even dare to say one more thing to us , you've always been like this with everything that made me happy and i'm sick of it!" Fred yelled again
"Fred please" she pleaded
"No mother"
You looked at her and saw she was broken , you shouldn't feel bad for her but you did
"Miss Weasly" you said
She looked up at you and you didn't see the hate in her eyes anymore,  you saw guilt and pure sadness
"I also came here to tell you something, i'm pregnant"
She looked at you shocked and you saw a small smile on her face
"You are?"
"I am" you slightly smiled
She stood up and looked at Fred who was holding your hand
"But don't think you will ever see our baby" Fred said walking away with you leaving molly broking realizing she was wrong , and you did make him happy

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