Chapter 6

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Hi guys, I hope I didn't leave you all waiting too long. I've seen stories that are updated once in a while, like once a month or so, which can get really annoying. So I try to avoid that and update as much as possible.

For the people who celebrated Christmas, I hope you had a good time. And the people who didn't, I hope you enjoyed the day('s) off.



Ne-Yo - Let Me Love You >>>


“What was he doing on our land?” I asked as we walked side by side to the basement.

“I don’t know. The evidence we have is pointing in the direction of his pack. So when we spotted him lingering around we trapped him and put him down,” Jeff grinned, probably remembering how it went down.

My wolf wanted to smack the grin off of his face. My wolf was acting very strange tonight. Maybe she needs a run or something.

“Just like that?” I wondered how they put the drugs in his system. It couldn’t be that easy, I felt his powers before I even felt the presence of my pack members.

“It wasn’t the easiest thing to do. We shot the drugs from a distance, but his body kept burning it down and he was back on his feet again. He was distracted by something that made it easier to take him down. Although it took us a while, a LOT of drugs and hands before he was down.”

We were standing in front of the basement door were Andrew was standing. I guess he was up for the first guarding shift. He opened the door and I saw Andy and Aaron standing at the end of the steps. That meant Aaron was guard number two.

“Alright, let’s see how he’s doing,” I said as we headed down the stairs. I felt nervous and excited all at the same time.

The scent of the stranger lingered around the steps making it hard for me to think straight. I inhaled the scent and memorized it. I didn’t have trouble memorizing it, because his scent was something I wouldn’t be able to forget even if I wanted to. I think I was crushing on the guy before I even met him. A giggle was about to escape my mouth, but I covered it up quickly by coughing. Jeff gave me a strange look and I just shrugged. Nathaniel Cooper was a suspect, I had to remember myself.

“I see someone has finally calmed down,” Andy said a little annoyed.

“Oh just shut up, Andy. By the way, nice black eye,” I said grinning like a fool.

His eye was healing fast, but not fast enough to hide it. He looked a little embarrassed and mumbled a, “Whatever.”

“Aaron,” I nodded.

“Miss Marshalls, always a pleasure,” he said, playfully taking a bow. I slapped him playfully on his shoulders as I walked past them further into the basement. 

I came around the corner to see the guy behind the silver bars trying to lift himself up. His forehead was on the ground as he slowly pushed himself up. He only had a pair of jeans on which was covered with blood. I silently hoped it wasn’t his, but the cuts and bruises all over his broad upper body said otherwise.

He lifted his head a little. His pitch black hair was short and a little ruffled like he just woke up. His jaw was set in a tight grim as he looked straight ahead. Jeff and Andy came to stand protectively next to me, each on either side. Which was silly, because he was locked up and wouldn’t be able to get to me even if he wanted to. He took a deep breath and his eyes landed on mine. My breath caught in my throat as his hazel eyes stared into mine.

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