Chapter 24

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A thick tension hung in the air as we ran towards Jeff and the others. And it wasn't because of the rogue situation. After briefing Nathaniel's guys in Nathaniel had given them some silent order through the mind link, which probably was to stay close to us. Because they took off right behind my guys and me.

Nathaniel ran next to me on my right side, but didn't utter a word. We were in our wolf form, but since we completed the mate bond we were able to communicate through the mind link. Yet he didn't use that ability, instead he kept quiet and didn't acknowledge at all. He was still pissed and he had every right to be.

I felt guilty about the whole thing. Me saying that it was my pack wasn’t something that just slipped out of my mouth. I really did feel like this was my pack and only I was responsible for it. I had felt that way ever since the title had passed onto me and it wasn’t something that could disappear in one day.

Everything between the packs was moving so fast since the day they found out Nathaniel wasn’t just another Alpha, but my mate as well. There wasn’t any time for me to get used to the idea of adding the responsibility of another pack and sharing that responsibility with someone else, even if that person was my mate. So my possessiveness over my pack wasn’t really that unexpected, I was an Alpha after all. 

Nathaniel had taken what I said personally, which made the fight more about us as a couple. That only made me even more hesitant to approach him about it. Somewhere deep inside of me I dreaded the confrontation, afraid that it would tear us apart and that Nathaniel would walk away.

From the corner of my eye I caught Nathaniel glancing my way with his electric blue eyes and turn his head back when he saw me looking. He had blocked me completely out of his thoughts and feelings, which made me do the same to him. Only for a different reason. At that moment we had other things to worry about so I didn't need him to worry about my sanity too.

I pushed all the awful feelings and thoughts to the back of my mind and focused at the task at hand- getting those filthy rogues off of our territory. A new determination rushed through me as I pushed my legs further. The rest followed me by increasing their speed.

One by one we flew like bullets through the woods, leaving the leaves shake furiously behind us. The deafening sound of many paws thudding against the ground drowned out every other sound in the woods. To a human’s ear it would’ve sounded like an ongoing thunderstorm.  

‘Found anything yet?’ I mind linked Aaron to see if he found the rogues that were wandering around our territory.

‘We only came across two and got rid of them. We’re still searching for more,’ Aaron informed me.

‘Alright. Keep us posted,’ I told him before blocking him out.

I glanced at Nathaniel, who was looking straight ahead and scanning the area as we ran. I had to inform him about the status update I got from Aaron, and the only way to do so was by using our mind link.

‘Aaron informed me that they eliminated two rogues. They’re still searching for the rest,’ I spoke softly for the first time through Nathaniel’s mind.

He snapped his head towards me, not expecting me to use the mind link. The surprised look in his blue eyes disappeared and nodded once as a conformation. Other than that I got nothing, not a word.

Irritated with myself and with Nathaniel I pushed my legs to run faster and focused on my surroundings instead of my thoughts.

He could’ve at least said something, anything, my wolf whined. Just like me, she longed for the sound of his voice to be heard through our mind.

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