Chapter 34

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A month had passed since the battle with Joshua and his army of rogues.

For the first time in a long time I found myself surrounded by the people I loved and trusted completely. It was also the very first time since my father died that I somewhat felt at peace.

The grief over losing him never truly disappeared, not even when I gave Joshua what he deserved. I doubted that it would ever disappear, but I was starting to accept the fact that I wasn’t going to see my father ever again.

Instead of thinking of the moments I could have had with my father, I kept recalling the beautiful memories I already had of him. I had vowed to visit his grave more frequently and keep his memory alive in every way possible.

A lot had changes in the past month. Right after everyone had recovered from the battle we finally combined the territories, creating one large piece of land for our pack. We had also organized the pack titles. Nathaniel and I had chosen to each keep our Betas and Third in commands because of how big our pack has become. It was much easier and safer to run the pack if both of us had high ranked shifters at our side.

While Nathaniel had Ray as his Beta and Warren as his Third in command, I had Andy as my Beta and Aaron as Third in command. When it came to making decisions we included all four of them in a meeting.

After everything was settled Ray finally presented Naomi as his mate. And like them other members of the pack announced that they had found their mates too when the territories combined. The bond between the packs was stronger than ever and there were no signs of two separate packs anymore. It had turned into one huge family.

When I had moved in with Nathaniel in his pack house his parents thought it would be nice for us to have a place for ourselves so they joined my mother and the other shifters in my pack house. That left the entire mansion only for us, which we took full advantage of. Every day we had so many shifters surrounding us, that is was nice to have a place on the territory where we could escape all that.

To keep the pack business going smoothly we built an office in town where we had over a hundred shifters working. We still used our office at the mansion, but our main office was in town. With all the paperwork that needed to be done to keep a pack as big as ours going we needed an office outside of the house to be able to keep the files within reach.

Not everything was settled, but we were getting there.

“What do you want to do with Jeff and his mate?” Nathaniel asked me all of a sudden.

I was busy in the kitchen fixing us a snack while Nathaniel was sitting at the kitchen island keeping me company.

Surprised by his sudden question I turned to face him as a question of my own popped into my head. “What did you do with Jeremy?” I asked.

“Jeremy is different from Jeff. I’m fine with giving Jeff another chance if that’s what you want, with new rules of course. But I can’t do something like that with Jeremy. Friend or not, he choose to keep his family safe by endangering mine and the pack. That can’t go unpunished. So I banned him from the pack,” he shrugged.

“But what about his family?” I was already picturing them going rogue and being chased by other Alphas. I shuddered at the thought. As much as I hated what he did, Jeremy did what he had to do to keep his family safe. He didn’t deserve a rogue life. Especially not his family. Even if he was helping Joshua for their safety, they weren’t the one forcing him to turn on his pack.

“Well, since he was a good friend of mine I made some calls and was able to place him in another pack. As long as he keeps himself out of trouble he can life there safe and sound with his family.”

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