Chapter 15

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Thanks again for the votes, comments and reads! You guys are the best! I had a really busy week so I didn't get around to replying your comments. I did read them though! So I thought I'd make it up to you guys by updating another chapter and making it longer than the others. Hopefully I'll have more time tomorrow so I can sit down and properly reply on the sweet comments you left me.

Also I want to dedicate this chapter to a close friend of mine. She was the person who convinced me to post my story on WP. Without her my story would have been just another meaningless document on my laptop. So H. this chapter is for you! Thanks for all your help and support<3! 


The initial shock turned into anger and after that I was furious. Of all the werewolves on this planet, out of all of them fate had to pair Andy and Lindsey up. Someone must really hate me.

Nathaniel looked at me and understanding crossed both our faces, we had to stop this battle and we had to work together to do it. I didn't know how I knew, but I knew exactly what to do. Nathaniel grabbed my hand and closes his eyes, letting me know that he also knew what we were supposed to do. I briefly wondered if this was the way possessed people felt, like their body worked on automatic pilot and they didn't have control over what they did.

Just before I closed my eyes I saw Jeff's eyes flicker towards my hand, that was holding on to Nathaniel's for dear life, and back to my eyes. Hurt and confusion crossed his face. 

'Trust me,' I whispered in his mind. I didn't have a clue what I was doing, but I needed him to trust me either way. Jeff was my right hand and I needed him at my side, my pack's side, especially since Andy was out of control about his mate. Jeff's jaw tensed, but he gave me a short nod anyway.

The day my father died his powers were transferred to me. The weaker he got, the powerful I felt. It was the worst feeling in the world to know the power increasing inside of me was of a man who was slowly losing his life, the man to whom I owed my existence to. The same man who made sure I was loved, cherished and nourished every day of my life. The idea of have his life source in me was sickening and I still felt guilty about it. A part of me was afraid that the sickening feeling would worsen if I combined my powers with Nathaniel's.

I closed my eyes and focus on Nathaniel's warm hand around mine to push away the nerves and insecurities I felt. He gave me an encouraging squeeze before I felt his strength slowly connecting with mine. Our powers mimicked our intertwined fingers and became one. Our strength combined was like a huge ball of energy, lethal energy.

Just like before, in the living room, I let the power float out of me. Only this time it felt more powerful than before. I felt it spread around Nathaniel and me, creating a big circle that was stretching further away across the field. All the noise around us died down instantly when the energy hit them and made them submit like never before.

I slowly opened my eyes to see everyone stopped in their tracks and was bowing their heads, no one dared to move. In a way their bodies were paralyzed and the only thing they could do was submit to us.

I sighed with relief when I noticed the sickening feeling didn't became worse. It was unbearable as it was and I wasn't sure if I would take it if the feeling intensified.

I looked up at Nathaniel and saw him looking back at me with a proud expression on his face. He gave me the most loving smile I ever saw and I couldn't help but return it with as much love as I could muster. His presence made it easier to cope with the loss of my father and with the trouble that came with that loss.

This was the first time we worked together, side by side. The feelings inside me were indescribable. It was a mixture of happiness, satisfaction, pride and a lot more, but mostly I felt love for the man standing next to me. He was my world now and I knew I wouldn't be able to live a day without him. I just needed to find a way for us to finally be together.

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