Chapter 2

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Hi guys!

Thanks for taking the time to read/comment my story and fan me. It really means alot! Here is the second chapter.

Lots of love,

- H.

P.S.: Check out the songs on the side;)!


I looked down to see I was still wearing the navy green dress from graduation. The images of this morning filled my mind. It was just a couple of hours ago, but it seemed like another lifetime. My eyes landed on the dress my mom picked out for me. It was a black sleeveless dress, very girly. I wore it once, at my grandmother’s funeral. The dress screamed ‘cute’, which was not what I was going for at the moment. I reached my hand to open my walk-in closet and pulled back my hand with the door handle in it.

I looked confused at the handle in my hand. I didn’t use that much force, did I? Damn Alpha powers. I cursed under my breath. I threw the handle on the ground, opened the closet and walked in. I picked a black skinny jeans and a black shoulder off top.

I went to the bathroom to change and freshen up. I removed all my makeup and jewelry. Putting my hair in a high ponytail I stepped out of the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the long sized mirror. Much better I thought. Before exiting my bedroom I inhaled a deep breath, putting all my thoughts and emotions aside. I gently turned my doorknob this time, remembering the incident with my closet.

When I opened the door I saw Jeff leaning against the wall. “Ready?” he asked.

“No, but will I ever be?” I questioned sarcastically. “You’ll be fine,” he smiled a weak smile. I felt pity and compassion coming in waves from him, but there was no pain or grief. I could feel he was hiding some of his feelings.

‘You can shield your feelings too,’ I channeled my thoughts to him.

‘Yeah, your ..your dad taught me that. So he wouldn’t be distracted by my emotions, because I.. was a lot around him,’ he thought looking at the ground.

“Oh,” I spoke out loud, while the wave of pain, that I just pushed away a few seconds ago, came rushing back.

I pushed the pain away again and asked “How?”

‘Basically it’s just like shielding your thoughts. Only instead of focusing on the thoughts you want shielded, you focus on the emotions. It takes a while to get it under control.’  I

just nodded. I knew he didn’t speak out loud because the pack was downstairs and would be able to hear our conversation.

“We need to go now,” he spoke out loud this time.

We started walking downstairs where the pack was gathered in the backyard of our estate. We had a huge backyard that led to the woods and could easily fit over 150 people. This was where our pack meetings were held. Our home has always been an open house for all the pack members. Members who didn’t have a home were welcome to live with us.

‘They won’t be happy with you taking over. You’ll have some convincing to do, but don’t forget, you are already our Alpha Female. Even if they don’t approve they have no choice but to follow your lead or be removed from the pack,’ Jeff told me while the face of Andy Morgan flashed through his mind.

Andy was my dad’s, I mean my third in command. Jeff knew he was going to cause trouble. He has been hoping to climb the ladder for so long. Even though he was a player at heart, when it came to pack business he would put in a hundred percent. He worked hard to be third in command and was counting on being promoted to second in command, Beta, if given the chance. But I spoiled his luck.

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