2~ The Glade

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The tall, muscular boy started walking forward so I mirrored his steps, following closely behind him. I was unsure of this place: it looked as if we were the only people here. As I took in my surroundings (still stumbling after the boy) I saw these giant stone walls surrounding us- almost acting as if a barrier. Are they to keep us in?! What if they are to keep something out? Shouldn't we see what's behind them? As if he could hear my thoughts, the boy cautioned, "Listen. I'm not sure what those walls are for and why we are inside of them, but I feel like we are safer in here than out there. Why don't we just look around?" I nodded. It made sense to look around first- I could save the worrying till later.

After looking around for what felt like hours, we decided to go back to the box we had come up in to unload the supplies from the crates. By the looks of it we weren't getting out of here any time soon so we should try to make it a little bit more bearable for ourselves. 

We silently unloaded logs, building materials, gardening supplies, and some other bits and bobs that were stacked up and then it started to get dark. Using some of the logs and some kindling we picked up earlier from the forest that was here, we started a bonfire to keep us warm and give us some sort of light to last the night. It made me feel instantly so much safer.

We sat in silence watching the amber flames dance until I spoke up, "Hey, thank you for earlier. I was really panicking and the whole breathing thing you did really helped me. I know that we are just as confused as each other right now but thank you for making it that little bit more comfortable for me." He shone a warm smile at me as if to say 'It's okay' and then he froze.

"Are you okay, what's happening?" I asked as his eyes darted towards me. "I-I-I think I remember my name! A-Alby," he stuttered "My name Is Alby." He had huge grin plastered on his face as he repeated his name over and over to himself. I jumped into his arms, "Oh my god that's great!!! Alby... Congratulations!" I didn't know why but it felt like it was something to celebrate so we got up and he twirled me around next to the fire as we both laughed and sang out of pure joy.

After a while, my legs started to ache from all of the dancing we did; I slumped myself onto a log we had left next to the fire to sit on. "What's the matterrrr? Tired of partying already?" Alby chuckled as he perched on the log next to me with a long arm draped around my shoulders. "N-No of course not. I looove partying... just a little tired that's all." My y/e/c eyes started to well up and I realised I wasn't just tired. What's wrong with me? How come Alby knows his name and I'm still blank? Why can't I remember aswell? Alby noticed the pools forming and brought me into a tight hug, "Hey, hey what's up? I know we haven't known each other long but you can tell me."

"It's just... I think there's something wrong with me. I still can't remember my name and it's worrying me so much. How did you remember?! Please help me remember!" I pleaded, weeping into his shoulder as he stroked my head. "Shhhhhh. Don't ever say anything like that shank! There is nothing wrong with you, okay? I don't exactly know what I did to remember if I'm honest... it just came to me. Just wait a little longer, it will come to you soon." His kind words reassured me and I stopped the tears flowing from my eyes. I nodded after he spoke and we both sat watching the fire across from us.

"You know what?" he added, "I think I have a name for this place."

"Oh yeah? What is it?"

"The Glade." he clarified. I sat for a second thinking about it. The Glade... it's kinda... sorta... perfect! "I think it's perfect Alby. Why don't we get some rest?" He smiled and drifted off to sleep against the log- we should probably make some beds or hammocks or something. I'm not really sure logs are that comfortable at all. I stayed awake for a little while longer watching the stars above me; admiring how beautiful they looked...how peaceful. Maybe it won't be so bad here after all. Let's just hope I remember my name soon enough.

And with that I drifted off into a cold, dreamless sleep.

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