32~ Day one Greenie, Rise and Shine

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Today was a greenie day and excitement filled the air as always. You would have thought that we would be used to it by now and the concept of a new person coming each month would bore us, but we were always excited for a new person to join our glader family. New person, new personality, it's all very rousing. Chuck was probably the most on edge though- he was determined to make this greenbean his best friend.


The siren sounded as usual and we went about our monthly routine of going to the box, meeting the greenie, unloading the box, and carrying on with the day. Once the box made it up and it opened, we could all see a boy inside (no surprise of course). He was shielding his eyes from the light that had just infiltrated the cage he was stuck in. As per usual, the box didn't exactly smell nice- a mixture of sweat and vomit- but Gally jumped in anyway to retrieve the newbie.

"Day one Greenie, rise and shine." welcomed Gally, stretching out a hand for the boy to take. The boy was taking too long so Gally pulled him out instead and he landed on the grass. Boys were circling around him whispering things about him- others not being so subtle and voicing their opinions to everyone. "I could use some help in the kitchen." Fry laughed.

The brunette boy then started running as fast as his legs would take him- and damn that was fast. "WE'VE GOT A RUNNERRRR!" shouted Zart. We were all just watching him run for his life and then he tripped over and fell right on his face. Dumb shank. Laughs echoed through the Glade and the boy stood up ignoring the laughs as his eyes searched his surroundings. He turned in a circle giving off mixed emotions: he looked shocked, scared, relieved, and curious. I could tell that he was gonna be someone important to us and the Glade- he may even get us out of here.

Everyone took up their roles in either going back to their normal jobs, or unloading the box- some just stayed around gossiping about the stunt the Greenie pulled, but Newt sent them off to work after they had poked their fair share of fun.

I sat in the middle of the glade and just observed the boys unpacking, then Newt came and sat newt to me. "Quite a dash he made there, huh?" Newt joked.

"Yeah. There's something different about him, I can sense it." I admitted

"Well then, it must be true." He then left to go and find Alby and I went to split up a fight that was about to happen between two of the builders.

--time skip to the bonfire--

Newt was sat with the greenie against a log, they seemed to have taken a liking to eachother already. I was staring in awe at my boyfriend and how friendly he was being, then I was pulled out of my trance by the boy spitting Gally's drink out. It made me giggle a little then I looked elsewhere so he wouldn't be embarrassed by my laughing. Gally and a few other boys were in the fighting circle messing around, and most of the others were either with their close friends or the people who they worked with.

I was just sat lonely infront of the fire, watching the flames blaze before my eyes. The warmth made me happy: the warmth also made me think of Ruby which is probably where the happiness came from. Oh I wish you were here with us- I was pulled out of my thoughts by boys chanting and cheering, "Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!"

Ugh here we go again.

I looked closer and saw that the commotion was about the Greenie, of course, and he was being challenged to a fight by Gally. Once again- of course. I rolled my eyes at the scene before me but went over anyway to watch it play out. I laced my fingers through Newt's as I slipped into the gap next to him. I saw the newbie on the floor with a mouthful of sand, I'd obviously missed the first push.

"Come on Greenie, we're not done yet." Gally teased. The boy got up and brushed the sand off of him, "Stop calling me Greenie." This sounded like a threat and it started the first round of oooooooh's from the crowd.

"Stop calling you that? What do you want to be called? Shank?" Gally then turned to address the crowd, "What do you think boys, does he look like a shank?" Boys around them were laughing and shouting things, I just held Newt's hand tighter because I knew what would happen next.

The boy charged at Gally but he pushed him back to the floor. "You know what, I think I'm settled on shank." There was more laughter from the group of teenagers. I looked at the greenie and I could see the anger fizzing inside of him. The greenie charged again but this time, was successful in pushing Gally to the floor. Cheering erupted for the boys new found confidence and strength, then Gally got real mad: Gally didn't like to be embarrassed. He whipped his foot under the boy's legs, causing him to hit his head really hard on the ground- then he started to whisper something.

"Thomas... Thomas...Hey," his voice raised now so we could hear better. "Thomas! I remember my name...I'M THOMAS!"

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