3~ The Noise

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I awoke from my slumber to the soft sound of birds chirping in the trees. The wind was whistling as it passed through the leaves and the feel of the crisp grass under my soft palms soothed me. The sky was a perfect mix of mandarin orange and raspberry pink, the sun was starting to seep over the Glade's walls. I sat there untroubled with a softly snoring Alby next to me, breathing in the fresh scent of our surroundings: it was almost intoxicating. And that was when it happened...


"Uh what?!?!? Did something happen?"

"Yes... something marvelous happened. I remember my name," I beamed at the thought that I felt whole. I felt complete now- well, aside from the rather large chunk of my past that I didn't seem to remember but I knew who I was now, and that soothed me more than ever. "My name is y/n. Alby I know who I am now!" We both rejoiced as he knew how happy it made me feel to remember such a significant thing. It felt wonderful.

"I am so so happy for you y/n. I was thinking maybe today we should use some of the supplies that were sent up with us to maybe make ourselves some hammocks and some sort of food source? When I unloaded the crates I saw some gardening tools and some seeds, bulbs, and I saw some potatoes that we can use to grow some more. I also saw some fresh food as well that we can eat. I think if we work hard we could actually end up liking this place: liking our home." Alby's plan sounded great, and sleeping in hammocks definitely sounded better than sleeping on the grass with a log as a pillow. 

Wow. I could maybe even start liking this place. Of course it needs a lot of work, like Alby said- but in a few weeks time I think we could actually have a decent system going for us. 

I agreed with Alby's plan and felt my stomach growl at me from below, begging for food. I didn't acknowledge how hungry I was until I thought about what food they might have sent up. Of course I wasn't expecting a 5 star meal but hopefully at least there would be something I could manage to whip up for breakfast. "I don't know about you Alby, but I'm starving! I actually think my stomach might start clawing at me from the inside if I don't get some food in me. Let's make some breakfast before we get started on your plan!" I grabbed Alby's hand and we trekked over to the big stack of crates to get something to eat.

After we had eaten our fruit and our sandwiches that we made out of what we had been given, Alby started rummaging through the boxes of materials. He started chucking lots of rope and what seemed to be bed sheets to me for making our hammocks. He found a nice cozy place where there were trees perfectly lined up to hang our hammocks from. He showed me how he did it and I made mine- it was pretty good if I do say so myself, especially since it was my first time making one (well I think it is but who knows, I could have been some sort of outdoors-ey nature girl who liked to sleep in hammocks under the stars before I was sent up here.) "So much better than the logs..." I sighed out of pure pleasure as Alby hummed in agreement.


A few hours later, we had finished our hammocks, planted seeds in a new 'farm' we created, set up a kind of kitchen with a barbecue and a gas cooking stove that we found in the box, set up some torches around the place to light it up a little bit, and made a sort of makeshift shelter for our supplies. Yesterday we also came across a pond and me and Alby realised we would have to bathe in there at some point, but we didn't mind because the water actually looked pretty clean and we had been given clean towels and a few pairs of fresh clothes too.

This is home now. How long will we be here? To be honest, I don't really mind: so far it's actually really nice here. Still got some improvements to make and it would be nice if we could have comfy beds, working showers, and a little more company but overall I'm starting to really develop a soft spot for this place. I've even got a soft spot for Alby, who is like a brother to me already and we've technically only been here two days.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by an ear-piercing shriek. It was literally blood curdling and whatever it was didn't sound human. It was coming from beyond those walls. I hesitantly glanced over at Alby and he was already staring in my direction, "It will be okay y/n. Whatever or whoever those deadly shrieks are coming from, will never get through these walls. We are safe here. You are safe with me, I will protect you little sister."

And with that we both headed off to our new hammocks, still shaken up from the noises that we could still faintly hear far off in the distance.

...will never get through these walls. We are safe here. You are safe with me, I will protect you little sister. His words played on repeat as I fell into the black sea of sleep.

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