12~ The Decision

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--time skip to dinner that evening--

I had made loaded omelettes for everyone's dinner and we all managed to eat every last spec. The atmosphere was really peaceful: everyone seemed unbothered by Alby's eruption earlier, but I guess it wasn't a big deal. We laughed, we played, we ate- it felt really nice to have fun with the people I now thought of as my best friends. I loved them now- Minho not as much yet but that's because he's new, I'm sure we will be the best of friends soon enough though.

"Hey Minho?" Minho nodded at Alby, wondering what was up. "I've come to my decision...we can go." Minho pretty much danced around the table in excitement. 

Why does he wanna go out there so much? It's not that exciting, jeez.

"Uh Uh Uh, I have some conditions first so settle down you lunatic." Alby then cleared his throat before laying down his rules to us all, "First, we can't all go in. At least one of us has to stay behind, it doesn't really matter who it is but since Minho really wants to go for some unknown reason, I suppose it will either have to be y/n or Newt who stay."

"I'll stay. I had some weeding I didn't manage to do today anyway and I'm sure Newt would like to go." I didn't exactly want to go so weeding was like my perfect excuse.

"Alright then y/n, you can stay. Second. We have to stick together just incase since there will be an odd number of us and we have no idea what is out there. Third, we won't be out there for long- as soon as I decide it's time to get back we will go. Got it?" Minho and Newt nodded in agreement and we all trailed off to bed.

I was utterly exhausted and I hadn't even realised. I looked forward to sleep a little bit more now. Ever since Newt came up and I told him about it, I have had a few less. Even when I do get a nightmare, Newt is always there to help me get back to sleep. I thought about if tomorrow's adventure would go well and then pretty much crashed.

~y/n's nightmare~

I felt warmth slither down my face, leaving a trail down my face like a snail leaving slime. I held onto my head where I felt it pounding and aching and realised that the same warm liquidy stuff was oozing from there. I forced my tired eyes open and was greeted by group of intense, glaring lights and lamps which made the room spin around like a carousel in my head. I looked down at my hand that I had touched my head with and saw it glistening a deep red- I was bleeding.

I let my eyes adjust to the lights and then looked to see if I was bleeding anywhere else since pretty much my whole body felt like one big aching mess. I was beaten and bruised and cut and sat in a puddle of my own blood- they must have done a lot to me to get that much blood out. I scanned my eyes over blood stains on my arms and legs to see some of them had healed.

"Ah you're awake. Time to get you ready for our next session." A man in a white coat had now joined me in the room and he was rather scary. He had this sort of snarly look to him and the way the corner of his thin mouth twisted upwards when he mentioned 'our next session' was horrifying to say the least. Wait, what did he mean next session? What the hell was he going to do to me, have a freaking therapy session- I think not!

Then a quick flash of the past came across my mind as I analysed his face and I couldn't hide my fear and disgust. The memory was of him and two other guys (who were stood by the door) laughing at me whilst I was being beaten and bruised to a pulp. He pulled a sharp dagger from one of his many pockets and started slicing me with it all over. I felt sharp bursts of complete and utter agony as he butchered my skin and then gripped onto my hair and whispered into my ear, "How'd you like that sweetie?" then it all went black again, I assumed he had just hit me round the head because of the head injury I seemed to still have. I was trembling like never before as I looked back at this horrid excuse of a man.

"Awwww, have you just remembered what I did to you? How sweet...now let's get you cleaned up for some more." As he said this, I tried to struggle but he pushed me onto my back with his foot and then I just fell into a dark inescapable abyss.


I knew Minho hadn't been told of my nightmares since it was just irrelevant at this point so I stopped my screams. I didn't want to wake him up within his first week here- he might think I'm a psycho.

That was one of the worst I'd had. I so vividly saw me being tortured and used by those men that it was pretty much burned into my brain. I don't wanna ever be touched like that again. All I could think of as I tried to get back to sleep was what had happened to me; what was going to happen again before I woke up. I couldn't get rid of the thought at all- it just wouldn't budge.

"Shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP" was all I could manage to get to leave my mouth as I hit my head back against one of the trees that my hammock was attached to. I must have been pretty loud as Newt woke up to see the bashing of my head on the trunk, "y/n shhhhh shhhhh stop it love. You don't need to do that, I'm here now. Come lay with me."

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