29~ Awake

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-- y/n's pov, 3 days later--

I lifted my heavy eyelids to see the blurry med jack hut. I groaned as I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to make the room appear clearer: my hands were feeling really tender and achy. I could see a bit better and jumped a little when I saw someone sat in a chair next to the bed, but settled down when I saw it was Newt. He was snoring light and dreamily so I didn't want to wake him: I just lay still watching his blonde hair move when his snores hit it.

My head started banging, as if someone was taking a hammer to it; I held both hands to my head to try and stop it. I must have disturbed newt because he woke up. "Y/n? You're awake! What's happening? JEFF GET IN HERE!" Jeff came rushing in and analysed the scene before him: me with my hands around my head and Newt trying to talk to me. He came over and took my hands from my head, "Tell me what's happening so I can help you y/n."

When he separated my hands from my head it stopped. Then I remembered. I was having a flashback and now I remembered exactly why I was in here. I went into shock and there were tears gushing from my y/e/c eyes. All I could think of was her: my dead bestfriend. I wasn't ever going to get her back. She was gone forever. I could see her body (like you see the afterglow of light) everywhere I looked so I sealed my eyes shut and refused to open them. "Y/n! Snap out of it. Open your eyes and breathe, okay. It's gonna be alright just open your eyes. I'm here." comforted Newt.

"She's not. She's not here anymore and I don't think I can handle it Newt." I cried

"I know, I know. But you can handle it, just open your eyes."

"No no no I don't want to see it. All I can see is her when I open my eyes. I don't want to see it Newt, I can't." I hadn't realised but Minho, Fry, Alby, and Gally had now all walked in and were just stood in the doorway watching this play out. 

Great. More witnesses to me being a pure child. I can't help it though. If I open my eyes, all I can see is the lifeless body of one of the people I loved most. I don't wanna see that.

"Hey, hey, hey, listen to me, love. When you open your eyes, look directly into mine. I'm here, just open them when you are ready. Let me see your beautiful eyes again." he begged. 

Okay. Just look into his eyes and everything will be over. 3...2...1...

Through my thick, wet eyelashes I gazed deep into his eyes. Oh god how lovely his eyes were. I got another flash of her so I winced a little and he noticed. He cupped his large hands on my face that was sticky with my salty tears and he wiped a few stray ones away. It was almost like a staring contest but it wasn't awkward, it felt safe. Once I was sure that the image would be gone, I nodded at him and pulled him into a warm hug. "Never leave me Newtie. Please." I pleaded.

"Never. For as long as I live." He smiled and I wiped my face free of a few tears that Newt hadn't managed to get away. I looked over at my friends: my family. They all had teary eyes after watching that shit show, except Gally- he wasn't really one to show so much emotion, but you could still see that he cared.

My eyes led me straight to Minho, and I smiled weakly at him- because I knew we were both feeling just as broken. He copied my weak smile and walked straight to me, gripping me tightly into a bear hug. A few more tears left both of our eyes and we got out of our long hug.

Alby then smiled and said, "I'm so glad your awake sis. Now that you are, I was thinking we could have a burial for her. We were waiting for you to wake up first but if you need some time we can put it off for another few days." I looked around the room at my friends and they were all looking at me with fake happy eyes, they obviously didn't know if I was gonna break at any moment.

"How long have I been out?" I asked. "4 days in total." replied Fry.

I was shocked but also not because I obviously did some serious damage to myself. I reckon I will have headaches for life now considering how hard I hit my head. Ruby shouldn't have to wait any longer just because I need time. "Then no. We need to put her to rest, not wait even longer just because some stupid girl can't handle it. I'm tired of people doing things at my expense and we cannot leave her to rot wherever the hell you have put her for the time being, just because of me. Let's do it as soon as possible."

Alby nodded and left the room after planting a kiss on my head, that still killed from the impact. I went to get up but Newt stopped me, "No, Jeff has to check you are okay first. Oh, and also, never do anything like that ever again okay. You frightened the bloody hell out of me. Don't think I'm letting you out of my sight."

I rolled my eyes and thought his words over. "Even when I'm in the shower?" I smirked. He blushed a little and then leant closer so the other boys couldn't hear him, "Especially when you are in the shower." His words made me blush too and I giggled a little, earning a confused look from the others but they didn't dare to ask what he had said because they probably guessed that they didn't want to know.

Jeff then checked me over. He examined my head and my hands and a few other places that my stupidity probably impacted. He said that he wouldn't be surprised if I had headaches my whole life- SEE I CALLED IT! He also said that I had fractured multiple bones in both hands and that it would take a few weeks to heal, maybe a few months but if I take it easier it will heal quicker. There was also severe bruising on my hands and on my head which would heal soon enough.

After my check up it was time for the burial.

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