39~ The Plan

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--time skip to a few days later--

Thomas and Minho had found a way out. After Thomas killed that griever in the maze, they went to check out the body and there was this weird silver tube type thing that was flashing so they pulled it out. They later found out that it was a key, a key to what Thomas calls 'the griever hole' or in other words, where the grievers go during the day. They think that if we use it, we can get out of this place for good. I trust them- we are getting out of here. There are some big inconveniences though.

Alby is dead.

He was taken by a griever yesterday evening. Wanna know what happened? Of course you do. It was so chaotic. The maze doors didn't close for the night, instead they stayed open leaving us with no form of protection from the beasts outside our walls. Then was the griever attack. Grievers stormed into the Glade that night and took people left right and center. One tried to take Chuck, but we managed to save him: then one tried to take Alby but we couldn't get him back. He was pulled out from the roof by the long, metal arm of the griever and we wouldn't ever get him back.

We lost a few gladers that night, but Alby was our leader. He was my brother. And now he is gone and is probably scattered around the maze in pieces, lying to rot. We were all distraught, but we had a plan.

After Alby was taken, it should have been Newt and I who took over (being the second-in-command's and all). That wasn't the case though. That night had terrified the remaining gladers so much that when gally started storming around acting like he owned the place and shouting orders, they followed. Gally had taken full control and had locked away Thomas and Teresa who he had his own plan for. He said that he was gonna banish them. We acted like we were following his orders and going along with his plan but we had our own plan.

The plan was a revolt. Since Thomas and Minho found a way out, we are going to escape this hell hole. The banishing will look like it's going ahead until we put our plan in action. I'm not going to go into too much detail but I can't wait to get out of here. I can't wait to get out of this place whether it used to be our home or not. It was ruined here and we would just be wasting away if we didn't go now. We needed to get out and fast.


Everyone who was in on it, knew our plan from top to bottom. We were all nervous, Chuck especially, but it had to be sooner rather than later because we didn't need to waste another minute in here.

It was go time. Thomas and Teresa were being dragged by some of Gally's followers to where it would begin. "You really think banishing us is gonna solve anything?" asked Teresa.

Gally looked furious- that could have just been his normal face though. For a second, I could swear I saw him laugh before answering her. "No. But this isn't a banishing. It's an offering."

"Wait. What? GALLY!" Teresa struggled and writhed as a boy tied her to a long pole that was set out of the ground. We stood in our positions watching Teresa struggle. I knew we were going to get out and she would be okay but it hurt to watch. I didn't know much about her since as soon as she came chaos came along with her, but she seemed nice- especially to Thomas, and he was nice back. I trust Thomas enough already to know whoever he trusted must be worth trusting.

"You really think I'm gonna let Thomas back into the maze after what he's done?" Gally then continued his ranting by talking about how the Glade is our home and yada yada but I didn't pay too much attention to his incessant grumblings. Just as I thought his words would go on forever and ever, Teresa interrupted to persuade the boys. "If you stay here, the grievers are gonna come back. And they are gonna keep coming back until you are all dead."

"SHUT UP!" Gally shouted before turning his attention to Thomas who was on the floor and the two boys around him, "Tie him up" he ordered. The boys lifted Thomas' body from the floor and then we were ready. The plan was in motion: Thomas took down the boys and Newt then swung at another. A boy tried to swing at Newt so I took it upon myself to kick him in the nuts. That's what you get if you try to touch my newtie.

Teresa had also kicked the boy in front of her in the balls and Gally went to step forward to help but Minho layed his blade on Gally's shoulder as a way to say 'don't you even think about it'. Most of the people involved were stood guard before the walls now, ready to pounce if anyone tried them- I was just waiting for my brother so I could help him carry some stuff, then we would join them too. Fry cut Teresa down and I heard a clanking of bags and pounding of feet coming at us. It was Chuck with supplies. He got to me, passed me a few things that he was struggling to carry, then I placed a hand on his back as I guided him through the shocked and angry group of Gally's men.

"You're full of surprises aren't you?" said gally.

Thomas then spoke up loud enough for the other boys to hear. "You don't have to come with us but we are leaving. Anyone else who wants to come, now is your last chance."

"Don't listen to him he's just trying to scare you."

"No I'm not trying to scare you, you're already scared. Alright, I'm scared. But I'd rather risk my life out there than spend the rest of it in here. We don't belong here. Hey, this place? Isn't our home. We were put here. We were trapped here. At least, out there we have a choice. We can make it out of here. I know that."

I was proud of Thomas. I may have only known him a few days but he was smart and brave and everything we are gonna need if we wanna get out of here. Boys joined us one by one, Gally was only left with a few loyal followers who were obviously too stupid to realise that they were gonna die in here anyway.

"Gally it's over, Just come with us." pleaded Thomas.

"Gally, please." I begged. I didn't wanna leave Gally behind. Over the years we had gotten close and he was always nice to me. He may have been a real dick at times to the others but me, he had a soft spot for.

"Good luck against the grievers."

Gally wished us luck- LUCK? Why couldn't he just come with us- staying here is practically suicide anyways if yesterday is anything to go off, atleast we have a slight chance.

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