Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

  The next day of school was weird. Not having Whiskey around was like walking around with one shoe on- everything felt off balance. Lunch was particularly horrible. At the beginning of the year it had been the five of us, now we were down to three. Trick was already sitting at the table alone when Beatle and I sauntered by, our hands playing the others as we walking.

            “Where’s the ging?” Trick questioned, and Beatle and I shared a look. It had completely slipped my mind to call him about Whiskey. Actually, after returning from the hospital everything had slipped my mind. Beatle had driven me back home in absolute silence, despite his many attempts at getting me to talk. I was too angry. I was angry at the world for being so unfair, Miles for being such an idiot, and Whiskey for being weak.

            “Uh, Whiskey is in the hospital,” Beatle had his eyes on the table while he spoke, but I was watching Trick’s reaction closely as his eyes widened and he dropped his apple onto the table.

            “Is everything okay?” His dark eyebrows were knitted together with concern written in his eyes.

            Beatle was about to tell him the truth when I interjected, making myself just as bad as Whiskey lying for Mi, “Yeah, he just got into a fight and was shook up a bit. He’ll be back this week I’d imagine.” I knew Trick was going to find out what really happened eventually, but at the moment it was better just to understate the situation. By the way Beatle clenched his hand into a fist I could tell he didn’t like what I had done, but at the same time he wasn’t going to correct me.

            “Whiskey in a fight without us? That’s fucked,” Trick stated as he rolled his apple on the dirty cafeteria table, clearly abandoning the thought of eating it. I wouldn’t either; I’d seen the janitors cleaning the table tops with the same mops as the floor.

            “I don’t think he started the fight.”

            “I just can’t imagine Whiskey fighting anyone by himself. He’s so small, the little leprechaun. Hope he didn’t get roughed up too bad.” I had never really heard many of Tricks thoughts before, he was a quiet guy. He spoke only when asked a question, and even then his answer was usually a shrug or a nod. He was a simple guy, but it was obvious he cared for Whiskey. You would be heartless not to feel anything towards Whiskey, especially at news of him getting hurt.

            “They only kept him overnight so it can’t be that bad,” I smiled reassuringly and Trick turned the corners of his mouth up for a second before letting them fall back into a frown again.

            “Hey, what universities did you guys apply to?” I asked, trying to change the conversation. Trick started at me blankly while Beatle rubbed the back of his neck.

            “I didn’t, only colleges.” Trick shrugged indifferently.

            “Can we talk about this later?” Beatle asked and exhaled a deep breath. I sucked on my bottom lip as I nodded confusedly.

            The lights in the cafeteria were flicked off my staff a few moments before the warning bell rang. Trick was the first to lift himself from the table, giving a slight wave of his fingers before disappearing among the other students.

            “You coming to mine after school?” Beatle played with my fingers and I smiled.

            “When do I not?” He laughed, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he separated our hands and picked up his backpack.

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