Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

I had been dropped off by Beatle at the school over an hour ago, and here I was now. Standing in front of the door to my house, too scared to knock. I didn't know how many minutes I had been standing here. I knew what awaited me; yelling. Lots of yelling.

"Owen, I'm worried. Should we call someone?"

"He's probably fine, Beth."

I had heard my parents conversing through the door the whole time I had been standing here. They had even reduced to asking Hayden where I was.

"I'm going to go look for him."

I don't know if it was that my mind didn't register the words, or if I was just frozen in absolute fear, but I remained glued to the spot. The door swung open and my dishevelled mother stared down at me. She looked relieved for a moment, then it changed to fury.

"Elliot Spellman, where were you?!" She screamed as she took hold of my uniform shirt, using it to pull me into the house. She slammed the door behind us and stared at me intensely with her hands on her hips.

"I had a massive partner project and we stayed up all night working on it. I didn't want to come home in the middle of the night so I just slept over at his house."

She looked at me skeptically, her composure not changing.

"And you couldn't call?!"

"I forgot." I replied with a shrug, wincing at the angered expression that overtook her face.

"Well maybe this will help you remember for next time, you're grounded!" She screeched and I felt my body stiffen. I couldn't be grounded.

"Beth, -"

"Owen, don't you dare side with him." She shot my father a disapproving look and he raised his eyebrows at me, as if to say 'I tried'.

"This is so unfair!"

"Don't test me, Elliot. Go to your room." She pointed to the stairs and I bounded up them, stomping into my bedroom and slamming the door behind me.

I huffed as I fell back onto the bed. I couldn't be grounded. I couldn't afford to be grounded.

I was angry, and some people eat when they are angry, or yell. Some even throw things.

But when I was angry, upset, frustrated, I did something completely different. I slept.

I woke up the next morning with my glasses next to me on the pillow. I was surprised they weren't broken, it had happened enough times during my sleep. I wasn't wearing a shirt, despite the fact I had absolutely no recollection of taking it off.

"Elliot, you better be awake. If you miss the bus you are walking." My mother's shrill voice sounded from the other side of the door. I buried my head into my pillow and tried to block out the sound.

"Elliot?" I heard the door creak open and felt her eyes settle n me.

"You know I'm only trying to do what is best for you."

"Please get out."


"Please." I heard the door click a second later, and her light footsteps travelling down the hallway towards Hayden's room.

I lifted myself from my bed, and took a look at my appearance.

I should get contacts.

I should lift.

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