Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

The five of us sat on the bridge in the moonlight, a cigarette hanging from every lip but mine.

"Come on, Elliot. Just have a drag." I shook my head at Whiskey's offer; I didn't want to develop an addiction anytime soon.

"Elliot. I don't like it. We need to give him a cool nickname." Beatle had drawled out my name like it was a foreign word. He was basically the leader of this group of misfits.

"What are your real names?" I asked curiously, but Mi only laughed, exhaling smoke into my face. I tried not to breathe it in. I knew second hand smoke was worse than first hand, but it was pretty impossible not too as I was surrounded by four smoking teenaged boys.

"That, dear Elliot, would be telling." Beatle laughed as he made rings with the smoke like an expert.

"How 'bout we just call him Lee?" Trick suggested, but they all shook their heads at that. Trick looked slightly older than the rest of us, with a sleeve of tattoos over his mocha skin. I couldn't even think about the getting a tattoo without a shiver running down my spine at the thought of all that pain.

"How 'bout we just give him the most stupid name we can think of?" Mi imitated Trick's voice, and the other two guys snickered. I liked Lee. What was wrong with Lee? If they thought Lee was stupid, suggesting El would just be ridiculous.

"Mm! How 'bout Lake? Like Elliot Lake? That's a badass name." Whiskey flicked his cigarette into the water before taking another drag.

"Lake. I like it," Beatle said thoughtfully and nodded, the executive decision of the group. They continued to smoke, and though it burned my eyes, I was sure I saw another group of guys coming towards us.

"I think there's someone coming."

"You're just too paranoid, Lake. You know what you need? Weed. And God knows we have plenty of that." Mi blew it off like it was nothing, but I was sure I could see people.

Beatle pushed the black fringe from his eyes, revealing their light green colour, like a peridot. You could see the defined muscles in his arm when he reached up. He dropped his cigarette and stomped it into the bridge, following my gaze forward.

"Hey, looks like Lake was right. We've got visitors." The rest of the boys put out their cigs and set their eyes forward at the possible opponents. They were big, and looked tough. The boys jumped off where they were seated -the guardrails of the bridge- and sized up the guys, similar to what I was doing.

"I'm not feeling a fight, Beatle. Can we just leave?" I tried to make it sound as much like I didn't want to fight tonight opposed to I didn't want to fight ever, even though the latter was definitely more truthful.

Beatle rolled his peridot orbs at me and snorted. "Remind me again, who wanted Lake to join our group?"

"He's the only one that doesn't look sketchy," Trick concluded, and I agreed. I wouldn't say the others looked sketchy, but they definitely had a reputation, especially with the school administration. I had a clean record, good grades, amazing recommendations from teachers. I just wished that could have been enough.

"I think there's only four of them, so you might be lucky tonight, Lake," Mi informed me as the guys were in a scarily close proximity to us. I already knew there were only four of them; I was wearing my glasses. None of the other guys wore glasses, despite the fact most of them didn't have 20/20 vision with the exception of Beatle. I was pretty sure Whisky wore coloured contacts, though I think he would sooner get gang beat than admit to it. The light brown shade of his eyes was so uniform, and it contrasted with his strawberry blond hair.

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