Chapter 3 (Part 2)

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Chapter 3 (Part 2):

I dropped the spoons onto the counter and turned away from Hayden. There was no way Mom would ever side with me. What was I going to say? He locked me out after I left to go sell some weed and he heard me on the phone to the guy that gave me the weed and I threw spoons at him? I felt like that wouldn't blow over well.

"Just wait till Mom leaves." I turned away and headed back towards the foyer, where my phone lay on the rough carpet. I picked it up and over turned it in my hands; it seemed unflawed. Sighing, I looked at it with discontent. There were a few missed calls from Beatle, and a text. I didn't want to read it, but I knew I would eventually. What the hell was I going to say?

I could tell him it was just my brother being an idiot, but did I really want to? I wasn't in the closet; I just never had friends or anyone to tell. My family knew, and that was about it. I'm pretty sure Hayden never told for his own reputation more than my own.

Or, I could tell him the truth and have them possibly want nothing to do with me. It wasn't exactly like our community was plentiful with gays, there were probably more homophobes. I had no idea how Beatle would react, and even if he was cool with it, it didn't mean that Trick, Mi, and Whiskey would be.

I shoved my phone into my pocket as it began to ring again and I trudged up the stairs, leaving Hayden alone in the kitchen. I tiptoed past Mom's room and passed the bathroom to my bedroom, throwing my phone onto my bed as I tugged off my jeans and pulled my hoodie over my head. I fumbled through my drawers until I found pajama bottoms in the darkness. A groan emitted my lips as my cell continued to vibrate against my bed.

Before I could let myself think of an elaborate lie to tell Beatle, I had the phone to my ear.

"Lake? Did you hang up on me?" His voiced was laced with confusion, and what sounded like humour. I spat out my answer, absent mindedly pulling the covers on my bed.


"Is there anything you want to say?" I chewed harshly on the inside of my cheek; the only noises coming from my end were my breaths. I didn't want to hear him judge me; I didn't want to have no friends again.

I heard a sigh on the other end, and some rummaging around as a door closed.

"We don't have to tell the guys, it can be our secret."

I wanted to ask him what he was talking about or tell him there was nothing to tell, but it just seemed pointless. I was getting sick of pretending. I thought once I came out to my family that I would be free, but high school plunged me so far into Narnia that I couldn't locate the wardrobe to get back out.

"I know you're there. I can hear you breathing." I slid under the covers, listening to Beatle's persistent voice, but not gracing it with a response. I don't think I could even if I wanted to; the concept of words seemed to be lost in my mind. Maybe I had left it in Narnia.

"Fine. That's cool. Ignore me," Beatle huffed in annoyance as I placed the phone next to me on the pillow and snuggled my head into the soft fabric. I didn't want to hang up, because then he would just call back and try to have the conversation all over again. I wasn't going to tell him I was or wasn't gay, he could believe whatever he wanted.

"Okay, look. I don't care if you are heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, pansexual, bicurious, asexual or whatever other kinds of sexual there are. I'm just bored, and I want to get out of my house. So, you in or not?" A smile made its way across my lips at this, though I wasn't entirely sure why. I think I was mostly happy that he hadn't forgotten why he called me in the first place; it made me being gay seem so insignificant in the scheme of things. Which, it really was. I mean, people don't come out as straight, so why do I have to come out as gay? It was just a small detail in my life, one that Beatle seemed to be able to overlook.

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