Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

My Sunday went by typically and uneventfully. I hadn't even gotten a call from anyone. It was just a normal day for me- books and popcorn.

That was, of course, until my cell phone started ringing at ten o'clock.

I had nearly fallen asleep when the sounds of Fall Out Boy started filling up my room. I rubbed my eyes and stretched my hand out, trying to find my phone. I grasped the metal in my hand and held it to my ear.

"Hello?" I yawned, and when the person's voice was incoherent I realized I was holding the phone upside-down.

"Hey, Lake. We kind of need your help." It was Whiskey's worried voice coming through the phone and there was a lot of shuffling and scuffing in the background.

"What is it?" I was somewhat alarmed; the only person that ever called me other than Mom was Beatle. I didn't even know the rest of the guys had my number.

"Mi got into a fight; he's not looking so good." I heard him huff and shoes scraping across the asphalt. I reached over, looking for my glasses and figuring this wasn't going to be a short conversation.

"We're only a bit from your place, is it okay if I bring him there?"

"Um, yeah, I guess. Mom's not home." Hayden was more of an issue than my mother though. Usually, Mom would be out like a light at ten, but she was at the airport waiting for Dad's flight to come it. It had just been a constant stream of delays- he was supposed to be there at seven.

"Okay, okay. Good." The screen flashed 'call ended'. I sighed in defeat and pulled myself out of bed, exhausted. I hadn't had a decent sleep in days, but that was the price that this came with.

I looked in the mirror and ran my hand through my hair, trying to tame it. There was a shirt lying on my lampshade from God-knows-when, but it looked relatively clean, so I pulled it over my head. It clashed with my bottoms, but I had more important things to worry about at this moment.

I crept past Hayden's room, seeing the glow and hearing static noise from his television. He was still awake. I bounded down the stairs and to the front door, pulling it open with some struggle and looking out.

I could see Whiskey's ginger mop of hair in the distance, under a dim streetlight. He was stumbling and trying to support Mi, who was barely walking. I ran out onto the street, ignoring the feeling of the cold night air and the bright moon.

I slipped my arm around the other side of Mi, who he grunted in reply. His jaw was spotted with purple marks, but that wasn't what stuck out to me, it was the bright red hand print that he sported on his cheek. The finger marks were slender, and his cheeks weren't a rosy red, no, they were a deep red. It looked painful.

"What happened?" I whispered to Whiskey, I wasn't even sure if Mi was consciously aware of what was happening right now.

Whisky threw Mi's body more on top of him. I could tell he was having difficulties, hell, I was surprised he had gotten this far with him; Whiskey and I were the smallest of our group.

"Picked a fight with someone he knew he couldn't win against, got the shit beat out of him." His eyes seemed to narrow, almost in anger. We continued to drag him down the street and into the bright light of my front porch before pulling him into the house.

"Hello?" I heard Hayden's voice yell down the stairs, and I groaned inwardly.

"It's just me." There was no reply, because he didn't care enough to reply. We weren't exactly on speaking terms since yesterday. And, like I thought, he never did tell Mom about me leaving him on the side of the road to walk to and from soccer practice.

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