Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

"Could Lennon Durett, Patrick Wendell, Bailey Agren and..." There was a rustling of papers over the loud speaker and most of my classmates were either laughing or groaning 'Miles Lyndon'.

"Elliot Spellman please report to my office. Immediately."

And with those words, my seemingly normal Monday morning went to hell. If my heart hadn't been racing when I was hearing the names of my friends being called, it had surely just exploded.

Everyone was looking at me- that look. The one that says pretty boy, Elliot? No way. And honestly, I couldn't believe it either.

Beatle never woke me up to take my turn to watch Mi, I didn't wake up until he tapped me at five to say he was leaving before anyone woke up and saw him.

I woke Mi up when I left for school, and he grumbled something about wanting five more minutes. I had half a mind to drag his ass out of my bed, but I realized that would result in me getting punched again. It wasn't like he could go to school anyways with that large mark on his face. People would ask questions, it wasn't a typical battle wound from a street fight. That much was obvious.

And now here I was, every set of eyes settled on me as the principal summoned me down from my Physics class, even the teacher looked shocked.

I gulped and pushed myself out of my desk, grabbing my stuff. I wiped the sweat forming on my palms on the back of my pants, but it seemed to be coming faster than I could wipe away.

I pulled on the collar of my uniform shirt; suddenly it seemed too tight, and too hot. Everything was too hot, I felt like I was on fire.

I slung my bag over my shoulder as I continued down the eerily quiet hallway. The only noise was my shoes slapping against the floor and echoing off the walls. I turned around a corner and found myself faced with the office. Trick was getting there just as I was, except -unlike me- he looked calm. He strutted to the door and held it open, sending me a smile as he moseyed inside.

I took a big breath and heaved the door open, the secretary sending me a weak smile. I had only spoken to her a few times, I had never been late, so it was mostly when she needed paperwork delivered.

Beatle was sprawled out on one of the chairs across from the desk, Trick and Whisky standing by his side. I rubbed my hands on my pants one more time before standing next to them.

"Nervous, Lake?" Beatle teased with a smirk, and I struggled to hide the fear in my eyes with a smile, shoving my hands into my pockets to stop them from shaking.

"Me? Nah." I smiled and he raised an inquisitive eyebrow at me, which I subsequently ignored. They were talking about something, but all I could hear was my heart beating rapidly.

"Boys? My office. Now." The principal appeared in front of us, interrupting all conversation. Beatle simple snorted but followed Mr. Keefe anyways.

Mr. Keefe was an older man, I knew he had two daughters in university - he made them conversation in every school assembly to date. I remember hearing a rumour about his wife leaving him with nothing but the family cat. I didn't doubt it either; he was a seriously bitter man. He was somewhat thin, and his salt and pepper hair was cropped about half an inch from his scalp. He had a hard stare that scared the shit out of most students -myself included- and he towered over most of us, reaching at least six feet tall.

He ushered us into his office and slammed the door, gesturing for us to sit even though there weren't enough chairs. Beatle plopped down on one and raised his feet up onto the principal's desk.

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