Chapter 21

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 Chapter 21:

"You haven't talked to him for almost week?" Whiskey asked in shock between mouthfuls of popcorn. I let my eyes flicker back to the movie on the screen. It was Speed, and it was very apparent that the only reason we were watching it was to admire Keanu Reeves. He was gorgeous though, so it was warranted at the least.

            "You make it sound so bad when you say it like that."

            Whiskey threw his hands up, letting small popcorn fragments fly around my room. "It is bad. Did he do something?"

            "No," I replied simply, most of my attention focused on Keanu Reeves latched onto the bottom of the bus with gasoline dripping down his biceps. Holy Christ, that man.

            "Then why are you stuffing your face with me when you could be with your boyfriend?"

            I rolled my eyes, giving up on my attempt at watching that fine specimen of a man since Whiskey clearly wanted to have a conversation. "He never called me back, and I'm just waiting for him to call me." I held my phone up for emphasis, and he snatched it from my hand.

            "Telephones work both ways, Lake." He whacked me with it before unlocking it and typing rapidly away on the keys. I realized now telling him my password was 1969 was probably a mistake.


            "Either you call him or you can spend a romantic evening with this bowl of popcorn, because I have plans tonight." He held my phone in my face, Beatle's number already dialed in as if I couldn't have done it myself. In all honesty, I probably wouldn't have done it myself.

            "Are they with coffee shop boy?"

            "Cian," Whiskey deadpanned. I looked at him in complete confusion.


            "His name is Cian." My mouth formed and 'o' and I was slightly amazed that he finally admitted his name. It had to have been at least a month since we'd been at the coffee shop and he hadn't told me his name because it was 'no big deal'.

            "Oh. Is it serious?"


            "But you're spending New Year's Eve with him," I prodded, poking him in the side which resulted in him throwing a handful of popcorn at me.

            "Who else would I spend it with?"


            Whiskey rolled his eyes and threw his hand back into the popcorn bowl before shoving more into his face. "Because that sounds like fun."

            "You're mean," I pouted jokingly and he waved my phone in front of my face.

            "And you have a boyfriend you need to call back." He scrunched up his nose and twitched it for a second.

            "Ew, boyfriend. I still can't call Beatle your boyfriend without getting all these weird imageries."

            I held up my hand to stop him before he said another word. "Please, don't share."

            "Wasn't planning on it."

            We watched a bit more of the movie in silence, aside from when we were yelling at the characters for what they should have done. The television had small smears on it from all the popcorn that had been thrown, and I was already dreading having to clean this up. These nights with Whiskey were becoming more routine every time. We would go to someone's house, do something involving a television while eating food until we either fell asleep or went to our respective houses. It was yet to get boring though. It made me feel as though my involvement in their group wasn't solely based on Beatle, and I guess a small part of me hoped that even if things didn't work out between Beatle I would still have Whiskey as a friend. Although, I probably shouldn't have been thinking that way.

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