Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:   

            "So, are you guys a thing now?" Trick directed the question at Beatle and me as he pressed the bottle of gin to his lips. School had let out a few hours ago, and drinking together seemed to be the only thing they considered 'hanging out'.

            I blushed and turned away, focussing my attention on a brown leaf falling off a tree. My fingers were numb from the cold and I was already sick of fall, it felt too much like winter.

            Winter was always so unpredictable, sometimes there would be mountains of snow so high that the car had to be dug out of the driveway, and snow would fill the inside of your boots. Other times we would be lucky to see any snow that stayed long enough to form any sort of white layer over the ground. I had a feeling this winter was going to be the former. I wrapped my jacket tighter around myself.

            "Yeah," Beatle replied, grabbing some alcoholic mixture and swishing it around in the cup. They weren't able to scrounge up enough of one kind of liquor, so they decided they could mix some together. I didn't know much about alcohol or alcohol poisoning, but I knew that was a stupid idea.

            The feeling that I didn't belong here slowly took over my body, adding to the awkwardness I already felt. Maybe if Whiskey had come it wouldn't have been so bad. I seemed to be able to relate to him the most. When he was with the guys, he acted like one of them, but he was softer than them. I still hadn't managed to fake my way through my insecurities and feel like part of the group. Maybe I never would.

Whiskey had gone straight home after school though, most likely because of Gemma. I probably should have said something to Hayden, but I didn't really think it was my place. I knew Whiskey would make me anyways, though neither of us had a very intimidating nature, and I was well aware that there was nothing I could do to stop Hayden from doing what he wanted to.

            Trick and Beatle were ignoring me for the most part, which didn't annoy me. I had nothing to add to their conversations anyways. I pulled out my phone and began to text Whiskey, my fingers stating to turn red from the cold as it became nearly impossible to hit the right letters.

            Where are you? I typed into the keypad successfully after numerous attempts. The cold feeling faded as my fingers became completely numb, changing to a burning warmness.

            "Who are you texting?" Beatle looked at my curiously, but didn't crane his neck so he could see the screen of my phone. That gave me some level of comfort, he trusted me to tell him instead of him having to find out.


            Beatle and Trick went back into a conversation that was most likely sex related. I accidentally caught a couple words of it every few minutes, and they were enough for me to know that I didn't want to know.

            Whiskey Agren

            Received: 6:57 pm

            Home. Wanna come over?

            I looked up from the text with my bottom lip in-between my teeth. Beatle and Trick were laughing about some joke I had missed. I wasn't even talking, so I didn't think they would miss me if I left.

            I tugged on Beatle's jacket and he looked down at me, smiling. "What's up?"

            "Is it cool if I leave?"

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