Chapter 15

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 Chapter 15:

 At some point we had both fallen asleep- or at least I had.  When I woke the room was dark and I was cold. I reached my arms around the bed, but it was empty. I could feel the warm spot next to me from where Beatle had been lying. I looked up from the bed and around the room, spotting him next to the window peering through the blinds.

"Looking for more elderly people to throw flaming disks at?" He laughed and shook his head, lifting the blinds up completely so I would be able to see what he was looking at. I let my hands travel around the bed in an attempt to find my glasses.

Beatle walked towards the bed and reached over to the side table before sliding my glasses onto my face. I could feel the blush that crawled from the back of my neck to my cheeks, but I tried to ignore it.

"Thanks." I looked around the now clear room, staring out the window and watching the small white specks falling from above.

"No way," I whispered as I pulled myself up from the bed and walked over to the window, Beatle following behind me.

I planted my hand on the cold window and watched as they fell at an impressive rate.

"It's snowing." Beatle stood so close to me that his chest touched my back as we both watched the snowflakes fall and accumulate on the roof. There weren't very many right now, but I hoped we would at least get two inches or so; just enough to make everything beautiful and picturesque. I wasn't a photographer in the least, but there was something about our small town being decorated in the white powder that gave me the urge to capture every moment with my camera.

"But it's October," I stated as I drew a snowman into the fogged window with my index finger. Mom always got angry with me as a child when I drew on the foggy windows of the car- something about it not drying right and impairing her vision while driving. I just always thought she was super anal about things having to be clean.

"Yeah, but Calgary had snow last month, so I guess it's not that surprising." Sometimes I wished I didn't live in Canada, that I instead lived somewhere tropical and warm like the Bahamas or Turks and Caicos. Not that I had ever been to either or those places, but they seemed nice. I would never be able to leave the snow though. Sure it got annoying after two months of trudging through over a foot of snow, but this was nothing compared to the snow we got as children. Every year it seemed to snow less, part of me was worried one year it would stop all together. Then, something like this, snow in October, would assure me otherwise.

"What time is it?" I asked with a smirk. Beatle looked up to the clock mounted on the wall. You could tell it was either Jill or Christie's choice because it had roman numerals and matched with the rest of the room extraordinarily well. It wasn't like the band posters he had taped up that clashed horribly with the light blue of the walls.

"Only seven, why? Are you leaving me?" He frowned and  I shook my head and took a step away from the window.

"I was thinking we could go out."

"Like, on a date?" Beatle asked with a raised eyebrow. I chewed on my cheek as I shrugged awkwardly, like it didn't matter to me. It did.

Instead of answering Beatle began to walk around his room, picking up his discarded clothing and throwing it into a pile in the corner of the room. I supposed this was his definition of  'cleaning'.

"Unless you don't want to," I added quickly. He shot me a look and walked over to his closet. He shifted through his clothes for a moment before pulling out a hoodie, balling it up, and throwing it at me.

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