Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

"So, first day of Christmas break. What do you wanna do?"

"Hibernate," I muttered, lifting my grey scarf up to cover my face and protect it from the snow pelting at it. Beatle hadn't been able to find a parking spot in the school's lot since the weather was so bad and everyone decided to drive, so he had to park a fair walk from the school. Though it was better than the alternative, which was for me to walk home.

"Or, you could babysit Robyn with me?"

"Because that sounds like so much fun," I said sarcastically with an eye roll. He dipped his head low towards mine, and his voice seemed to drop an octave.

"Please," he whispered near my ear, I could feel his breath on the side of my face. I hissed as he took my earlobe between his teeth, and supressed the shiver that threatened to rack my body because it was obvious to both of us it would have nothing to do with the cold.

I sighed and seemed to regain my composure, pushing his face away from me as he stifled a laugh. "You can't seduce people into babysitting with you."

"So it worked then?"

"You wish."

"Give me your hand, I'm cold." It was true too, if it wasn't apparent by the fact all the idiot was wearing was a jacket then it was by the fact his eyelashes were decorated by snowflakes while his hair was covered in a thin coat of white, and his cheeks were a bright red colour.

"Too bad, you should have worn mitts." I pulled my hand away from his and shoved it in my pocket with a smirk in his direction. He sighed, rolled his eyes, and reached into my pocket to pull my hand out. I didn't struggle that much because I didn't want him to think I was opposed to holding his hand.

He raised an eyebrow at me and asked, "Why are you so difficult?" My response was my tongue stuck out in his direction, and I accidentally caught a snowflake on it which made me smile to myself.

"Is your car close?" I huffed out, my breath rising in a puff and Beatle nodded off down the road. I caught sight of the familiar black car and started hurrying towards it, practically running.

"El, be careful, it's icy," Beatle chastised as I pulled him quickly down the street after me. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and continued along. And of course, because he always had to be right, I started to lose traction. I couldn't tell whether there was ice under the snow or if the treads in my shoes were filled with snow, but either way I was skidding on the road. I separated my hand from Beatle's and waved my arms around in a way that I was sure was extremely attractive in a last ditch effort to stop from falling on my ass.

This is usually the super romantic moment where the person starts to fall but suddenly feels their boyfriends arms wrap around them. He says something cute about 'saving your life', you laugh, and share a super romantic moment, probably an adorable kiss as well.

But even I knew by now my life was anything but usual. And in Beatle's defense, he tried his best.

As I went sailing backwards I briefly felt the faint touch of Beatle's hand on my arm, trying to steady me, before I collided with him and knocked us both down into the snow. I was awkwardly lying on him, letting the snow hit me in the face as I laughed. I could tell he was laughing too; it was silent, but I could feel his chest rising and falling under my shoulder. Snow fell into my eyes and I blinked to get it out. The awkwardness of our position finally set in, with me laying half on top of Beatle and half in the snow. But, Beatle didn't complain. For like, 20 seconds.

"Do you want to get off me?" I carefully maneuvered myself until I was standing again, making sure not to lose my balance or slip. As Beatle stood up I noticed his pants were soaked from his waist straight to his ankles on the back from the snow that melted beneath us. I put my mitted hand over my mouth to conceal my laugh but he still shot me a dirty look.

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